Data de início: 10-10-2015
Data de fim: 10-08-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 10 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 10-10-2015
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: This project gives the opportunity to the young volunteers to discover the Italian social and health system and to gain knowledge and competences in this field during specific training sessions as well as through the everyday work with our staff (educator, social assistants) and volunteers. Furthermore, they will work in direct contact with the local community and will develop important social competences for their future personal and professional life. The contact with the Italian culture as well as the other evs volunteers’ cultures will enhance the young volunteers’ intercultural learning, which will contribute to their personal and social development.
More specifically, the volunteers will have the opportunity to reach the following results:
- capacity to understand and use the mechanisms of active participation in the civil life of the community
- deeper understanding of the concept of European citizenship
- knowledge about issues like welfare, health and social services, … and capacity to reflect upon them
- sense of adaptation, openmindness and capacity to work in different contexts
- skills and competences in the field of health and assistance
- managerial and organisational skills
- relational abilities, capacity to build interpersonal relations and to work in team
- capacity to manage difficult situations that can come up in assistance activities
- communication skills (non-verbal communication, Italian language, intercultural communication)
- knowledge of new cultures
- critical sense and capacity to reflect upon the experience abroad and the learning proces
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The EVS volunteers will be inserted mainly in the activity of the Senior day care centre. At the beginning they will have some time to get to know the organisation, meet the staff and the volunteers, get used to the atmospheer and have a general view of our activities. After this period, they will organise their weekly schedule with the tutor. The EVS volunteer’s sensibility and capacities will be taken into account when planning the activities. The role of the volunteers will evolve gradually as they integrate more and more the association: from a supporting role to a more and more active and autonomous role, with the possibility to create their own personal project, in agreement with the organisation.
The EVS volunteers will never be substitutes for employees or volunteers of our association. They will always and exclusively be there as a support and auxiliary person. Besides, the psychologist of the organization is always available on request of the association’s staff and thus also of the EVS volunteers.
The details of each project will be defined with the volunteers during the selection phase. The activities in which the evs volunteers can be involved are:
1. Activity at the Senior day care centre: the European volunteers will support the centre’s specialized staff in the various activities. If necessary there will be specific preparatory training sessions before the start of these activities:
• Recreational activities: mnemonic games, movements games, organisation of socialisation moments and parties (at Christmas, Easter, on august 15th, ...), organisation and accompaniment during local excursions, one week holiday with the hosts and staff, ...
• Creative workshop: drawing, painting, manual activities with different kinds of material, music workshop, ...
• Cultural activities: reading newspapers, getting updated about the news through radio/tv, thematic learning groups, ...
• Social-assistance activities: help the social-medical assistants take care of the elderly people during the meals (giving general support, helping feeding them, ...)
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês + application form
Download: 5438 - Application Form.doc