Data de início: 01-10-2015
Data de fim: 01-10-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-08-2015
Financiamento: Reprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is located in a city and capital of province, due to have all public institutions, the population exceed 80.000 residents and the first way job is civil servant. This ancient city contain one of best preserved historic town-centre.
Moreover, it also responds to the European Directive which, from 1 January2015, will establish equal rights and opportunities for all, particulary in terms of the accesibility of transport, highways and buildings.
Our participants will have accommodation in a shared flat in the city of Pontevedra. The flat contains good level of wealth and comfort, furniture and utilites available, estándars of cleaning and live. They will have a fully equipped kitchen to cook yourself foods. We will give them an optimal allowance for food every month. Every participant will arrange an individual bedroom per each participant to garantee the privacity. They will have to learn living together and to respect others’ differences, being toleranced and organized with the routine daily life in community of flat.
Volunteers could be involve with another volunteers and gain professional experience.
In respect to financial project, we will try throught public organism to bring grant to cover 10% the travel expenses of volunteers
Perfil: Our volunteer profile is simple, a energyzed and for soft people skills. Due to our activities all performed keep in touch with other people, the volunteer must be a good predisposition to comunicating and to meet and network with other volunteers and participants. Our first requeriment is that volunteers have been a consideration the enviroment and they give us ways to protect the enviroment.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: -Coolturales: From 4 years, this county has been developing this project of cultural programming for months. Bringing the word "cool" as a symbol of cultural updated needs of citizens. They are divided into 4 periods: Cooltural Fall-Winter (1) Cooltural Carnival (2), Cooltural Spring (3) Summer-Program Cooltural Albariño (4).
The Coolturales occupy the entire year. The activities are: (1) celebrations, workshops for children and young people, campaigns to collect donations and food for the retirement home, theater and concert cycles; (2) children's dances, contests; (3) activities promoting reading "April ... thousand books!", "May, month das woody letters!" and Prom in June; and (4) the Albariño, with concerts, workshops, sports competitions etc..
-Exposalnés: the municipality organizes exhibitions of between one and two months in this building. They craft traditions of the municipality, as the art of making wine, traditional cuisine, regional dance, music, the estuary and the fruit of the sea, and traditional crafts is.
-Youth: During the months of June to September the municipality organizes many sports (kayak routes), recycling workshops, workshops and debates responsible for new technologies, workshops on healthy lifestyle (diet, physical activity).
-Environmental: Bird watching (June to September). This activity consists of preserving the environment for the receipt of migratory birds, several environmental organizations collaborate with the municipality in this task. Sustainable ecosystem of the estuary (from October to November and from February to May). This activity consists of sustainable development offices in the estuary.
-Education: To coincide with the school year, each day three teaching units are developed. For example classroom study, crafts, languages, reading promotion, space week, etc ...
-Volunteer contribution: we will try to manage workshops in order to give the opportunity to the volunteer to practice their skills throug a workshop or other activities.
The activities outlined above relate to specific projects of a certain duration. Below are monthly tasks:
-Commemorations-such as Peace Day.
-Environmental: beach cleaning, best practices, paper recycling.
-Promotion of tourism resources.
Realization staff. Are those where volunteers contribute their knowledge to the local community.
-Working in YouthPass, List Learning EVS and daily (weekly) by debates.
Volunteers will be part of the team for each activity. So cooperate in:
-planning and organization (diffusion, timing, structure);
-in direction (how to assistants responsible for each activity);
-in the implementation of each activity: preparation of art spaces; collection / documentation / storage / distribution of food, times and make the correct order of completion; testing requirements in competitions, performing order and timing; space preparation and monitoring / admission of participants in storytelling sessions bebetecas, theater, puppetry, creative workshops, book presentations, training courses; concerts, sporting events, street entertainment, wine twinning communities; bird watching, sustainable development of the estuary. Depending on the skills of each volunteer, may provide own-creative workshops at the library with the support of a coordinator, acquiring a shared responsibility.
-in the evaluation of each activity, participants, performers and organizational system itself. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about organizing events / workshops and organizing street activities may also learn to run contests and twinning.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês