Data de início: 03-03-2016
Data de fim: 02-12-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-01-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The offices are located in a small village in the heart of the Northern Italy, where the volunteers will live and that has a train station.
The centres for disabled people where volunteers will work are:
1 ) Day Centre for Disabled people for adults with severe mental and physical disabilities that affect their executive functions and individual autonomy. At this moment there are 24 users .
2 ) the Centro Socio Educativo is a Socio-Educational Centre that instead welcomes disabled users of age with mild to moderate mental and physical disabilities. Currently they are 17.
Perfil: Motivation and interest towards the project and the issues linked to social integration of disabled people, sensitivity towards their demands and needs;
- Willingness to teamwork and exchange of views with the staff in order to provide an efficient educational intervention;
- Desire to get in the game, initiative, wish to be useful;
- Previous experience in the field of disability would also give us an interesting opportunity for sharing best practices
- Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The activities where EVS volunteers will be incorporated are related to the users’ development of personal autonomy and social integration and to the improvement of their cognitive, communicative, social and motor skills:
Activities at the Day Centre for Disabled people
Indoor activities:
• Educational activities;
• Art and crafts workshops;
• Computer Lab;
• Pet therapy;
• Housework activities;
• Physiotherapy and motor activity;
Outdoor activities:
• Gardening
• Swimming
• Theatre lab
• Sport activities
• Recreational outings;
• Trips and summer camps.
Activities at the Centro Socio Educativo aim also at boosting the users’ job skills and facilitating their work integration
Indoor activities:
• Educational activities;
• Art and crafts workshops;
• Computer Lab;
• Occupational therapy;
• Costume jewellery workshop;
• Massage therapy.
Outdoor activities:
• Swimming;
• Therapeutic riding lessons;
• Theatre lab;
• Sport activities;
• Outings to in concerts, theatre plays, cinema;
• Trips and summer camps.
• Internships in public or private structures.
Horário: There are 35 working hours per week, including team meeting, supervision at Alce Nero and language training. They will have 2 days-off per week (usually Saturday and Sunday). In case of extraordinary activities, schedule and days-off can vary. Moreover they will have a holiday period counting 2 days per each month of work, which they can choose to spend all together or split in single different days. The details will be discussed in advance together with the person in charge of the project.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês + Application form
Download: 5433 - ApplicationForm.doc