Data de início: 01-02-2016
Data de fim: 01-07-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 5 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 30-09-2015
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The EVS will take place in the city, sited at the metropolitan area. There are around 38.500 people living in it. It is an university town, where thousands of students come every day to its university campus. The city has got a good public transport service and bike lines that link it to Valencia.
The EVS project is going to take place in the different cultural facilities: Culture House, Tivoli Cultural Centre, Theatre and in any other local building or park, where the activities are going to take place.
The hosting will be in the same city. The volunteers will have their own personal computer, with internet access, to keep in touch with their families, friends and so on, in their spare time.
Perfil: We think that our projects will be interesting for volunteers who like culture, arts, music, theatre and European Youth Programmes. It will be also interesting for those who like local youth projects, ICTs and web projects. Our EVS project is aimed at sociable and friendly people, creative, independent, able to work in group, wanting to learn Spanish and Valencian languages. People, who are able to establish excellent relationships with their colleague and other young people.
They should write a motivation letter, talking about themselves, their way of being and interests for our organisation and their Curriculum. They should send it via e-mail. The Youth Agency workers and the volunteers’ tutor will evaluate the letters, (one of them will be the coordinator). We will not accept applications on July or August, because the cultural activity gets down it that part of the year.
The Youth & Culture Institute is interested in cooperating with other EVS organisations, but these organisations should work similar projects and programmes. We are especially interested in working with organisations that do youth programmes, citizen services and cultural projects.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The volunteers are going to get support as soon as they arrive. They are going to be accompanied by their tutor, who will take charge of them and will teach them how to go round the city. We are going to see sighting, the volunteers will visit our main historical monuments. A skilled worker will assist them to do their voluntary activities. Their tutor will meet them weekly, to talk about their activities and about how they feel.
The Youth & Culture Institute organises many activities, which will be helpful for the volunteers. They are going to be able to learn planning, programming, development, monitoring and evaluating cultural and youth activities; they are going to visit our Historic Heritage; they are going to keep in contact with people, specially young people, because they are going to take part in our projects. This will improve their intercultural knowledge. Moreover, they are going to be “students” in our workshops and courses. We are preparing ICTs workshops and they are going to take part in them.
We also would like that the volunteers propose their own activities, under their tutor supervision. We are sure that the volunteers are going to have good ideas to search with us. It would be very important for them to be heard. It will be also very important for them to feel integrated in our organisation. The volunteers are going to work 7 hours per day in our institution, from Monday to Friday. They will have two resting days (Saturday and Sunday). The timetable could be changed because of the activities we do. If they work at the weekend, they will have free days to rest.
They are going to have training activities during their stay with us. We think that 3 hours per week of training will be enough; it will depend on the profile of the volunteer.
These are going to be the projects and activities, in which the volunteers are going to participate. These activities are organised by Library and Youth Agency workers.
• Reading animation projects “Aquí contamos todos y todas” (We all tell it)”
The main aim is to encourage reading among the children, with reading activities and games. Reading is a way to create, picture and the best way of learning and self growing. “Aquí contamos todos y todas” “(We all tell it)” means that everybody can participate in it. Everybody can tell a tale, perform a role, or say a speech. We count on all people: Children, teenagers, young and adult people.
i. Activities
The volunteers are going to do the following activities:
- Workshops to promote children’s imagination. They are going to teach children about their own countries.
- Radio broadcast “Children in the radio”. They are going to take part in this programme. They are going to talk about the daily news and learn about our city, our culture and our activities.
- Reading-games. The volunteers are going to “teach” us their own language telling their best-known tales. We think that it is really important to use our language, but it could be very interesting to hear and learn the volunteers’ ones. Teaching & playing will be a good way to achieve this objective.
- “Reading corner: Telling my world”. People from the city who come to the library to tell tales, which they were told when they were children. The volunteers can also take part in this project, telling old tales from their countries or cities. On one hand, they will teach their culture to children from the city. On the other hand, they will learn more about the city.
- “Bibliomóvil”. It is like an outdoors library. We go to different parks in the city, in order to show our library. We do it for people and children who cannot come to the library to get books. The volunteers are going to visit different places and parks; they are going to meet people from different culture and social classes.
- There are more activities and tasks that the volunteers are going to learn and do with children, when they stay at the library: workshops, reading activities… they are going to learn how to work in a library: (books and films loading)
ii. Volunteer own activities
They are going to be able to suggest actions and activities, according to the activities that are done in the library. They are going to do them under the supervision of a skilled worker or their tutor.
• Youth Agency
This is our main aim. The volunteers are going to work with the Youth Agency workers, because it is the best way to meet other young people. We would like to remember you that our projects are focused on young people (between 14 and 35 years old).
iii. The volunteers are going to do the following activities
- Promotion of the EVS. The volunteers are going to raise public awareness of the European Voluntary Service.
- Information activities.
- Radio broadcast “L’Espai a les ones”. They are going to take part in this radio programme with the Youth Agency workers, every week. They are going to be able to talk about European stuff: (grants, work seeking, and culture diversity) we would like to show the importance of the European citizenship.
- “Red conecta” (connect net). They are going to participate in ICTs workshops, to bridge the digital divide. It is specially focus on youth.
- “Conecta Joven” (connect youth). The volunteers are going to take part in teaching adults and old people ICTs and internet. They are going to be taught to be able to teach adults. This is one of our best voluntary projects.
- Associations. We think that social net is very important. They are going to know the local associations, their activities and projects.
iv. Volunteer own activities
- “Learning to search”. This is a project to exchange knowledge and experiences between the volunteers and the young people from the city. They also host chat sessions each week to learn and improve their languages and to talk about their own cultures.
- Information activities. This project is called “Los y las jóvenes en tolerancia por Europa” (Youth for tolerance and respect in Europe). This will be a project about tolerance and respect. A forum where we will show the importance of the cultural diversity. A place to search people’s experiences in different countries and cultures… the volunteers will be with other young people to talk about these experiences. We think that knowing other cultures is the best way to become a tolerant person.
- ¿How can you write your motivation letter? We think that young people, interested in EVS, can learn how to write their motivation letter, in order to take place in this activity. They will learn how the volunteers did it.
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês/espanhol