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Data de início: 01-04-2015

Data de fim: 30-09-2015

Vagas: 4

Duração: 6 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 26-07-2015

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The main objective of the project is developing social cohesion, solidarity and mutual understanding between young volunteers and young people with disabilities, but also promoting active citizenship among young people; effectuating activities, non-formal learning experiences to improve skills for personal development and to facilitate young volunteers professional life.

Alpha Transilvană Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation, founded in 1992, a humanitarian and charitable foundation; political, ethnic, racial and religious unconditional, no patrimonial purpose, helping people with an intellectual, physical, mental and social disability but also other persons in need. During 22 years of activity Alpha Transilvană Foundation became a humanitarian organization providing social services, recognized locally, nationally and internationally. From a team of 8 employees at the beginnings, in 2014 became a large family of 77 professionals and specialists, whose primary purpose is to provide quality services. Every year we have the same objectives: to restore hope and improve live – life of our community.
Alpha Transilvană Foundation has developed in the last 22 years an integrated system to ensure continuity of social services for people with disabilities:
- Prevention and early intervention services for infants
- Day-care centers for children and adults with severe disabilities
- Recovery and rehabilitation services at home for children with disabilities
- Information, counseling services and employment mediation for adults with disabilities
- Professional Training Centre for both professionals and people with disabilities
- Programs for volunteers
- Workshop and protected unit developments

In „Atrium –Information, Counselling and Work Mediation Center for Persons with Disabilities” - there is working the „Socialization and Leisure Activities Program for Persons with Disabilities” for more than 8 years now. These activities aim to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, developing the quality of support systems for youth activities, enhancing skills through supported workshops (dance, theater, art therapy, drama therapy, English, science, Romanian language, music, zumba, fitness) with volunteers. Everyone needs a set of skills to lead a satisfactory life, to develop, initiate and maintain normal relations, to achieve their objectives in a certain stage of life and to face the obstacles encountered. Developing these skills through workshops and leisure activities, supported by volunteers, offers young people the chance to live efficiently in society or family. The activities of young volunteers, under a strictly coordination, with disabled young people means a great opportunity that they have to take advantage. It offers them an unique opportunity to meet other young people, who may be slightly different, to spend some time together and to overcome prejudices. We believe that these activities are important in combating prejudice, marginalization and social exclusion, understanding and valuing human diversity. Young people will have pro-social opportunities, will gain self confidence, will cooperate in the future, will have feelings of attachment to each other, they will improve their self-esteem.

Our workshops supported by volunteers are: The English Workshop, Computer Workshop, Art Therapy Workshop, Modern Dance Club, Drama Club, Romanian -, Hungarian-, Italian-, German- Club, music and song club, baseball club, zumba fitness club, arts club.
Our volunteers, in addition to the activities described above, can be involved in a wide range of other activities: educational campaigns, advocacy, fundraising, research and administrative activities. Volunteers are a valuable component of the foundation, without them our work would not have the same impact on beneficiaries and thus the community.

Alpha Transilvana Foundation's specialists have long-term studies in psychology, psiho-pedagogy, social work, teaching, human resources, economics, etc. Under the careful coordination of Atrium volunteer’s coordinator in the past four years approximately 100 volunteers have done volunteer work. Volunteer program’s objectives are: involvement of volunteers in non-formal education activities; social integration and support for disadvantaged persons; supporting volunteers to become active citizens of contemporary society; supporting and encouraging young people's creativity; promoting and implementing the principles of non-formal education; implementing activities that support and promote human rights; organizing leisure activities for young people with disabilities; promoting volunteering among young people.

Alpha Transilvana’s specialists will provide the necessary training for volunteers to work with young people with disabilities, all to help them in their personal development, motivating them. Though young volunteers will learn a lot more from their direct practical experience in the foundation. These activities and programs are designed to show learning objectives for volunteers and for youth with disabilities. Volunteers will learn a lot through interaction with young people with disabilities, will be motivated to develop general skills such as: communication in Romanian language, cooperation, teamwork, leadership by conducting various workshops and activities, communication, intercultural good time management. More than that volunteers will develop new attitudes towards of others and to the surrounding world: civics, tolerance, cultural openness, concern for disadvantaged people category.

Perfil: Age: 17-30

Tarefas: The project’s activities are focused on knowledge and connections, in other words activities that develop skills, related to innovative attitude and adaptability, effective interactivity with others, working in different cultural environments.

In recent years, the understanding of disability has changed, meaning that social barriers define peoples disabilities and not their individual deficiencies. Acceptance in society, reducing barriers decreases the effect of disability, increases skills and chances of integration and social autonomy. But still, when we mention disability, most people understand inability, young people with disabilities are not treated as "normal" persons and they are not helped to ignore their handicap that accompanies their hole life. For this reason they do not have friends, they are not interacting with other young people, however, the integration of these young people in community is a matter of human dignity, collective consciousness and recognition. These are some of the needs and problems that young people with disabilities have.

The four volunteers involved in the project, alongside 30 young people with disabilities will be involved in organization and implementation of foreign languages workshops, but also in other areas involving the home of volunteers and interest for all young people involved . We will have a Social Theatre Club / Theatre of the oppressed. In these activities young people with disabilities, volunteers and professionals will learn and play together, the novelty of all of these lies in the fact that these games and activities require creativity and freedom. The discipline of game means no restoration of the right to dignity, the ultimate goal being that all young people to realise that they're better than they believe they are. The method is a psycho-social one, because it allows the development of skills related to self-discovery and personal boundaries, and the analysis of others behavior. Young volunteers will participate in training sessions, meaning non-formal activities. Some of the methods used: volunteers will be invited to express their thoughts and feelings making finger puppets that will have names and will represent different characters. Later life scenarios will be created, interacting with the puppets; also trainings about facilitating access to cultural information of persons with disabilities, and so on. Each week at least once per week there will be outdoor activities, a powerful source of learning experiences - a relaxing, free environment, offering many challenges to young people, so that learning and development becomes strong, inspiring and likely, changing behaviors, creating strong relationships between young people who are based on mutual support.

Volunteers will conduct activities among young people with disabilities. During the six months they will have the opportunity to visit the resort Sovata - the mine, Praid saline,Turda Salt Mines, Museum of straw hats from Crişeni and Sighisoara. Long-term benefits for the four volunteers are: personal development, increasing creativity and acquiring new skills; development of self-confidence; contributing to Mures counties community development, understanding better the problems of persons with disabilities; gaining experience in working with people with disabilities; gaining the chance to become an example for others; adding personal experience in curriculum vitae; testing skills that are needed in social fields; learning romanian language; living a multicultural experience. By volunteering at Alpha Transilvana Foundation they will increase their personal development and worldviews. So they will be able to increase as human values. Besides they will receive a beautiful experience, because volunteering at the foundation requires involvement, that is essential as an aspect for the development of knowledges.

Condições: 1

Formação: Long-term benefits for the four volunteers are: personal development, increasing creativity and acquiring new skills; development of self-confidence; contributing to Mures counties community development, understanding better the problems of persons with disabilities; gaining experience in working with people with disabilities; gaining the chance to become an example for others; adding personal experience in curriculum vitae; testing skills that are needed in social fields; learning romanian language; living a multicultural experience. By volunteering at Alpha Transilvana Foundation they will increase their personal development and worldviews. So they will be able to increase as human values. Besides they will receive a beautiful experience, because volunteering at the foundation requires involvement, that is essential as an aspect for the development of knowledges.

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês

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