Data de início: 15-09-2015
Data de fim: 01-06-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 11-08-2015
Financiamento: Reprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The purpose of this project is to provide opportunities and resources for young volunteers to get involved and participate in the improvement of their planet. To do this, on the one hand, they will discover teaching methods practiced at the organization and secondly they can bring their own vision and inform leaders about practices in their country. Awareness tools are in place and include animations, training in the nature and citizenship.
The Park is an integral part of this project because it is the place of experimentation and actual practice the taught methods. Eventually, it should be a showcase of sustainable development. It has an area of about eleven hectares. The project can accommodate a young EVS wishing to inform and train the environmental policy of the institution and practice of work -related rural heritage.
The "Park" project is complementary to the project "animation" in that it contributes to the maintenance and management of the areas required for the deployment of “ecocivic” activities.
The volunteer animation should ideally be eager to get involved in the various activities of an accomodation centre for youth groups and if possible have a basic knowledge of French.
The volunteer Park should be prepared to find solutions resourceful, eager to speak French, eager to share his experience and to benefit the association of skills, like finding solutions, be creative, loving work alone, wishing to meet children, youth, adults, ...
Generally, volunteers must love the outdoor life, working in the woods in all seasons.
One volunteer will participate in our activities "green classes" that is to say, Nature animations, Middle Ages or prehistory.
Are proposed in our animations Nature, cooking wild plants, sensory ride (ride with various activities awakening the five senses), mushrooms walks depending on the season, Land art (creation, artistic achievement with elements found in the natural environment), animal tracks, cabin, green music, ...
Perfil: The knowledge of the basic French is required
Tarefas: The volunteer Park, in addition to his support for certain activities, participate in the following activities:
- Monitoring the health of trees and pruning,
- Maintenance of a mini-farm,
- Cleaning once a year birdhouses and bird inventories have laid,
- A medieval garden care
- Maintenance of an educational pond
- Annual maintenance of hives and collecting honey,
- Monitoring of orchard maintenance instructional path and a friendly space.
In general, this project aims to:
• promote active citizenship in general and the European citizenship in particular;
• develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people,
• foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries;
• promote European cooperation in the youth field;
In particular, volunteers will:
- Experience of integration in a team pursuing the same goal;
- Meet young people from other European and American countries in pedagogy where accommodation is provided;
- Take new initiatives, bring different ideas, present their views, promote their culture.
At the end of the project, volunteers will pass on their experience to their local community. They will also encourage other young people to volunteer and join the EVS program.
The final outcomes are:
In terms of personal knowledge,
- Improved their knowledge of French
. organizational knowledge in a centre for youth
- concrete realization of a personal project
In terms of practical knowledge
- for the volunteer "animation" , practical experience with animation projects from the perspective of environmental compliance
- for the volunteer " park", the development and maintenance of a park, small livestock , instructional pool , the medieval garden , bees, ...
On the social level
- The volunteer’s integration into local life
- Increased knowledge of Belgian culture
- Integration in an international environment in Pedagogy ( French , Canadians , students ERASMUS , ... ) and in the organization during the participation in international projects
On the personal level
- Increased knowledge of oneself and
. Learning autonomy (management of its resources, its schedule ...)
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês/francês