Data de início: 01-01-2016
Data de fim: 01-01-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 30-09-2015
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 145 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is located in the Church House..
We have close relations with organisations which work with youth, universities and high schools.
The secretary is located in Oslo, but there will be posibilities for travelling in Norway, visiting local groups, marketing programs for youth exchange, volunteers.
The volunteer will have her/his own workplace(office) next to the secretary general.
The accomodation will be in Oslo, in a young enviroment together with other volunteers and students. The volunteers will have their individual rooms, while they will have to share the bathroom and the kitchen.
The climate is colder than southern Europe. The temperatures in summer are between 15 and 25 centegrades, and winter might be down to minus 15/20 centigrades, but in general it’s not below minus 10 centegrades. Even in winter there can be temeratures up to pluss 5-10 centegrades. You may love to hear it will be snow, and most of the winter you may be able to ski just 30 minutes from central.
This is a modern city with all sorts of activities. Sports, arts, pubs and all you expect to find in a capital in Europe. It is a multi ethnic society that makes the city colourful and vibrant. The population is relatively young with students from all over Norway. The city also has quite a number of international students from around the world. Most of the central parts are within walking distance and the transportation is good. You may use buss, metro or tram.
Here are some websites that may give you some more useful information
Perfil: We are open to design the project acording to the right person. At the same time we have some profile elements that we would like to focus on:
- Social-relational skils with kids, teenagers and adults;
- Administrative skills and competence in webdesign and use of major computer software (office);
- Creativity and artistic skills;
- Graphic design;
- Activitiy and physical skils;
- Aged 18 -30.
We are looking for a creative person, willing to learn and to work both with administrativ duties and with groups of young people.
We look for artistic skills or interest in art and work with artistic education. Social competences and interest in working with immigrants or people with drug or financial problems will also be useful in different centres.
Some of the volunteers will also work in Nidaros Pilgrim Centre in Trondheim, assisting the pilgrims’ needs and taking part in the activities organised by the centre. Nevertheless, most of the activities will be held in the city.
We will keep an open recruting process and therefore design the profile of the work and activities when we have the right person. So even if you don’t match all the skills abow, we are interested to hear from you.
Tarefas: Activities and possibilities for learning would very much depend on the skills and interests of the volunteer. Our work has a lot of challenges. Your personality would be the major source in creating the profile of your work.Office hours are flexible, but in general from 09:00 – 15:30.There will be some work in evening and weekends from time to time.
We may give you some ideas about what you could expect to learn when beeing a volunteer with us.
- Learn about Norwegian culture, nature and modern norwegian way of life, beliefs and activities;
- Learning how to run an association;
- Learn about networking,developing and running networks;
- Meeting young people and working with kids and teenagers on projects in different part of the country (depending on the volunteers’ skills and interest)
o It would be possible to work in local churches for some time to help out on a youth camp or weekend for kids;
- Working with art and education / art and spirituality;
- Webdesign and marketing;
- Planning and arranging courses and seminars for churchworkers and members;
- Visiting homeless’ shelters and offering food and support to the people;
- Taking contact with drug addicted people, immigrants or minorities;
- Visiting a church youth club/choir;
- As an example you may find a week like this:
Activities Mond Tuesd Wednesd Thursd Frid
Post and e-mails x X x x x
Member database follow-up x X
Meeting with other organisations x X
Lobby activities X
Visit to local group on day trip x
Web update x x
Write, copy and send documents x
Planning for meetings and courses x x
Boardmeeting x
Working with network for art and church x x x
Meeting students at the university x
Creating new ideas and activities x
Free your mind x x x x x
Lunch x x x x x
Coffee x x x x x
Dreaming and chatting with the staff x x x x x
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de motivação em Inglês