Data de início: 16-06-2015
Data de fim: 27-01-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 8 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 05-05-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
The host organization has been welcoming Italian volunteers since 1995 and foreign volunteers since 2001, who are working in the Park of the Walls in order to recuperate its green areas that have been abandoned for a long time.
During the last decade, the work of the organization was fundamental in the recuperation of the areas around the walls of the city, which have since been transformed into beautiful urban parks. With the volunteers, the organization was able to remove infesting vegetation, abusive housing and natural degradation. The monuments were restored and nowadays it is possible to organize initiatives and events to promote the parks and the monuments.
The daily activities of the volunteers have been for a long time to cut the grass, to pick up the garbage and to keep the park gates open. In the end, they are responsible, with proper coordination from the organization, for the maintenance of the green areas of the Park of the Walls.
To accommodate all the foreign volunteers working with the organization, the Centro was formed in 2001, with the arrival of the first EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteers.
The Centro, is therefore composed of all the volunteers working with the host organization and all its affiliates.
The key word for the centro is permanent, which reflects the fact that these volunteers are different than those who help the organization during work camps. They work in the city under mid and long term projects and they are subjected to a deeper and more prolonged contact with the community and the territory. They learn the language, the local habits and culture and get closer to the local inhabitants. They are, so to speak, permanently working in the park and helping the region, instead of doing interventions once in a while or on special occasions.
Perfil: Volunteers will have the following profile: being interested in environmental and cultural subjects, interested in working outdoors and physical activities, being able to work in a team and share the daily life, being motivated for the project itself, willing to learn the Italian language and culture, being able to work in autonomy and free to try a different life style according to the principal of the association that we think sustainable for our planet. Finally volunteers should be able to demonstrate a tolerance for other culture and the will to discover them.
Tarefas: The work that the volunteers will come to do offers a multiplicity of actions that all tend towards the usability of the Park of the Walls, also thanks to the creation of the Visit and welcome Center of the Park of the Walls to create a new touristic circuit to which the European volunteers can contribute. The host organization, as an environmental association, fights every day climate changes, with information campaigns towards the citizens and with direct action to reduce the carbonic emissions that suffocated our planet every day. Volunteers will be included in these actions, but also their life will be enrich by the experience of a more sustainable life style. For this project we want to welcome 8 volunteers for 10 month (from the first of February until the First of December). Each volunteer will be implicated in the daily work in the park of the walls and the forts and the park, together with other volunteers and the professionals to continue the actions of renovation and to guarantee the access the to green areas of the city. They will be involved in the restoration and valorization of the magistral belt of the city, guaranteeing to the citizen, tourist, schools, the access and the visit in different parts of the fortifications of the city. Amoung those places, the bastion of San Francesco and the Scarp battery, abandoned for many years, have the necessity to proceed the intervention of restoration and requalification and a following phase of valorization and promotion. They will participate to all our campaigns from the organization that happen during the year, they will participate to the project that valorize patrimonies considered of minor importance and they will have the possibility to update the Permanent Volunteer Center. The methodology used for the evolution of the project will be the one of the Non formal education and the learning by doing, thanks to a direct experience in the field. The activities that will be done by volunteers will be orientated towards the citizens, thanks to these initiatives, these group of persons (class, young, tourist and citizens) we will try to reach the ones that are interested not only in the initiative itself but the fact that it’s done by a foreigner volunteer. We hope that in the longue term, the citizens will realize the amazing patrimony historical, cultural and natural and will decide to take care of it.
They will live in a single house and they will take care of this, in fact it is just restructured and it is made safe for their stay.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês