Data de início: 01-09-2015
Data de fim: 01-07-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 10 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 28-06-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 145 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: Bremanger is a small and rural municipality on the coast of Western Norway. The population of 3900 is spread throughout the whole municipality which is sorrounded by fjords and mountans.
In Bremanger there are 3 village senter, Svelgen is the main senter, where the administration offices, a school age 6-16 years, preschool, hotel, pub, retirement/nursing home, first aid center, hair salon and grocery store, youth club are located. I Svelgen there are many group and organizations, thes group involved everything from handicraft, sports, outdoors activities, youth clubs, 4H,a brass band, choir, archery, volleyball, soccerteam. Svelgen / Bremanger offer a wide selection of leisure activities for all age and intrests, although it is more limited than one might find in a city. Bremanger can also offer the volunteers a great nature for outdoors activities on mountains and on the fjords.
Bremanger is an international municipality thanks to ower specially stone. Bremanger Quarry is located in Svelgen and extracting stone from the mountains, skipper these to the Netherlands, where the stone used for road surfacing in Central Europe. Therefore we say that all roads lead to Bremanger Bremanger Quarry has a lot of foreign workers. The municipality has also received refugees,- a part of the project will also be working with our new residents.
Municipality of Bremanger is 850 km2 large, so it a long way from one village to the other. In youth work we travel around the municipality by evening and night. Public transport such as buses, are not an option, so 1-2 of volunteers will need to have a certificate, Cities located near is the Florø(0.50h) and Førde(1.15h), two charming citys were you find facilities that you will miss in Svelgen/Bremanger.
Voluenteer appartment is located in Svelgen, It is an apartment the municipality owns, it has 4 separate bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and toilet. The apartment is a part of a number of houses, so the rules for cooperatives must be followed. The apartment does not allow smoking indoors. Waste must be sorted into different bins. Rules that apply to volunteer indoors, set up by the volunteers themselves with help from coach and mentor.
Perfil: The voluneer must be between 18 – 30 years and have previous experience of working with childre and youth. The volunteer will be required to provide a police certificat confirming that they are suitable to work in an organisastion with children and vulnerable young people.
Horário: Monday - freeday
Tuesday- 09:00 - 11.30
House meeting.
11.30 – 12.30 free time/eating lunch together.
12.30 – 15.30
Team meeting
EVS(all) and staff.
House meetings and team meetings main goal is to create an open and full trust environment. Encourage and support each other, give positive feedback, reducing doubt and build self-esteem.
The method will be a mix of formal and non-formal learning.Evaluating last week, plan next week, discussing situations and events, what can be improved, learning through the week. Also time for planning of individual projects or volunteers collaborate on projects.
Wednesday-14.00 – 21.00
After school activities in Svelgen. Focus on fun physical activity.
But also Homework help
Make food Workshop
Outdoor/ in doors activities.
Some youngsters with specially need.
14.30 – 18.00
Age 9 – 12 years.
18.00 – 21.00
Youth café
Age 12 – 16 years.
Thursday- Norwegian courses
16.30 – 21.00
Work with individual with especially needs.
Focus on physical activity and have fun together.
EVS initiative own project?
Friday- Our 3 youth clubs will be open.
17.00 – 01.00
Drive to the village where the club is located. Preparation of the evening, grocery shopping, facilitating etc.
Focus on physical activity and have fun together.
From 18.00 – 20.00
Junior club class 4-6-.
From 20.00 – 24.00 class 7-10 and high school.
18.00 – 24.00
Hauge youth club
(staff and EVS 1-2)
Davik youth club
(staff and EVS 3-4 )
The youth club Realen is closed. We build up a new offer here, this may be one of the task to a volunteer if they have the desire and ability to do so
Saturday- Work with individual withspecially needs. Take them out on things happening in the community or in the cities nearby.
EVS initiative own project?
15.00 – 18.00
Youth café in one of our village.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês