Data de início: 06-07-2015
Data de fim: 06-02-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 7 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-06-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The mission of the Foundation is to help the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and their family members through support for training, employment and social integration. The Foundation provides services like: a day-care centre, a living centre, a rehabilitation farm and a kitchen. The characteristic of the Foundation is the fact that it provides institutional, transit and supported employment services. In addition, the foundation provides training courses to increase the qualification necessary to find a job and has several rehabilitation programmes. We employ 108 people, half of them are the target group
Perfil: We are looking for open-minded volunteers who can accommodate easily and open to the new challenges and who are socially sensitive and helpful. The volunteers should feel sympathy with the disabled people and have a skill to cooperate and work with them. Our main aim is to develop our young people, to give useful experinence to the volunteers, make intercultural connection between Hungarian youngsters and youngsters coming from a different European country.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: We are working with youngsters with mental disability; we maintain two living centres with 24 young people and a day-care centre, too. The volunteers can give useful help to our youngsters in the workshops where they produce souvenirs like candles, paper materials, carpets. They can work in our farm both in the organic garden and in the stable. The foundation has a kitchen where our own cultured vegetables are processed. The volunteers can also take part in the personal development programme of the youngsters like eurhythmy, swimming. The foundation plays an active role in the social field not only in the region but also in country level and we often organize meeting for professionals and have guest from other countries, too. The volunteers help us both in the preparation of these meetings and during the event.
The volunteers can help us in different activities and besides work they also has a unique role in the development of the lives of our young people. These youngsters have hardly any opportunity to get to know other young people of their age and through the volunteers they are “forced” to communicate in a different way than with the other people who they know for ages. It means a lot in their personal development and some of them are also able to know some words in a different language. Our volunteers gained a lot of experience here and not only learnt in a regular way but also could improve their personal skills and capacities. We provide them Hungarian lessons twice a week, they take part in the EVS clubs and other local events organized by the regional office of the national agency not only in the town but also in other places of the county. Through our conferences and meeting they can get to know a lot of people acting it the social field.
We are open to new initatives, new ideas coming from the volunteers and give help them to manage their “own projects”.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês