Data de início: 21-07-2015
Data de fim: 20-07-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-06-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is a social cooperative that since 1988 has been operating in territory to give hospitality and support to adult disabled people that don’t have family or with familiar problems. The mission of the cooperative is:
- To promote the solidarity and the social justice
- To pay attention at the wellness and the needs of people
- To pay attention at the professionality of the staff (operators and educators)
- To make each worker to participate at the management of the cooperative in each level.
The cooperative designs projects and manages residential services for people with psychophysical disabilities in structures for temporary or permanent housing.
Perfil: . Due to the topic of the project - working with disable people - we really need to be sure you can propose candidates motivated to irk with a similar target group, thanks to their education or - even better - voluntary/professional experience at local level. Basic knowledge of Italian would be helpful, but of course real motivation is the most important criteria
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Volunteers will play a leading role in supporting and completing the hosting organisation activity.
Volunteers will be involved in the community life of some disabled centres, giving them the chance to deal with target groups having different levels of disabilities. Basically, it is possible to distinguish two kinds of beneficiaries: the ones with very light psychic disabilities, and the ones with heavier disabilities. In the first case, the community work is much more educative (to simplify, we are going to call it “educative community”); in the second one much more helpful (“helpful community”). The schedule of each volunteer will combine these two services.
Both the services are run in residential structures (therefore, people hosted there are living in the community day and night) aimed at improving everyday life quality of its disabled guests. Volunteers will be considered like an added value and an intercultural enrichment for every person within the organization
Volunteers will be involved by professional staff in the planning process of activities, especially in the development of the personal projects of guests as well as in the management of their daily leisure time. Some guests during the day are employed in a job, some others spend their time in recreational activities (i.e. hosted in community centres). This is why European volunteers will be also invited to spend afternoons/evenings here, so to seize the chance to have most of guests present.
Volunteers will have the chance to take part in activities like:
- accompanying guests to social events, traditional market and events organized in the local community;
- organizing leisure moments to develop personal hobbies and specific abilities;
- taking part to some excursions with the group;
- accompanying guests during their daily personal activities;
- participating to the holiday trip with guests;
- shopping;
- preparation of meals and other housekeeping works with guests
This service is run in two more hosting structures. The purpose remains the same: providing disables with a richer life and assisting them in their daily routines. Of course, being these guests less self-sufficient, they spend much of their time within the community itself. This is why volunteers’ tasks will be much more focused on the community life (shopping, cooking, cleaning, watching movies, making manual labours together, etc.) and in finding the way to make guests enjoy the time together.
In parallel to these two main fields of activities, volunteers will be also involved in:
- keeping alive and activating cooperation projects with other local organizations;
- taking part to events and initiatives organized by the coordinating organization and by EVS volunteers it usually hosts.
Should volunteers show particular attitudes or talents, they can realize personal projects with the guests and propose different activities with them (for example workshops) supported by professional staff members.
Horário: The precise timetable will be discussed with the staff and with the project coordinator, so to meet the organisation's needs as well as the volunteer's attitudes. The service foresees: 30 service hours/week, 5 days per week, 2 days off per week and 2 days holiday per month.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês