Data de início: 01-09-2015
Data de fim: 31-08-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 11-08-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: In the region we feel a great deficiency of national, cultural and international variety especially among people who don´t have so many opportunities to travel and meet people from other countries. People here live in a very homogenous environment. Because of a very positive experience with the previous EVS volunteers, we aimed trying to offer people more options to meet another person of different nationality, cultural background and also a religion. In present we can see that a lot of young people have prejudices to different people, when they meet them, they can´t be themselves, are afraid of communication and a spontaneous dialogue with them. Through offering to young people and children almost everyday contact with our present EVS volunteers (at schools, Centre of leisure time, our organization, our "Space with cafeteria" and at different special and regular events) we could see a positive feedback and improving their ability to react properly, without prejudices, with a will to share and enrich each other in many different ways (European Citizenship). In hosting EVS volunteers we can also see a great opportunity to improve language skills.
Also, for volunteers themselves, we can see in a bigger group (two present EVS volunteers and also with our 8 present Slovak volunteers) a great opportunity not only to face to our environment, but also with other foreigners and to start cooperation with other cultures and nationalities for all of them at the unknown place (Cultural Differences). Also it can be for them a chance to compare their way of getting used with others and to get motivated to improve things and a process of adaptation by them in many ways.
Perfil: According to activities, our potential volunteers should be active, motivated, with an effort to learn and develop her/himself. As for the volunteering in our organization, at schools, Leisure time centre and in our "Space" with cafeteria the volunteer is in a constant contact with other people, they should be communicative, open and friendly. Also an experience with working with young people and teaching is welcomed. Also at least a communicative level of English is needed. We select our volunteers carefully, first in a base of Curriculum Vitae and a Motivation letter, which are sent by them or their sending organization. Then we start a mail communication and after that we do a Skype dialogue with them in order to ask them some more questions and give them chance to ask. We consider their experiences, skills, motivation, and English.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Most of the activities will be held in our organization - activities done here are devided into a few parts and the EVS volunteers will be necessary parts of them:
1. the work in the office and lecture room in our organization (administrative work, preparation of regular and occasional activities, comunication with our partners and new organizations, organizing of volunteers in our region, conversation clubs).
2. our "Space" with cafeteria - in these rooms connected with library young people can spend their free time, learn there, meet, prepare theiír own projects and activities and, most important, develop competencies, especially creativity, active participation and organization skill etc. A lot of workshops with inspiring young people are done here.
3. Youth hostel in Youth hostel, where camps, retreats and workshops for children and young people are done.
4. Partners schools - we have longlasting partnerships with 5 secondary schools here in surroundings, and we would like to continue with it in order to offer them our volunteers to go there and be a great help at the language lessons, meet young peple here and be a motivation for them to travel, voluntee, be active and improve their skills (also a way how to promote European vountary service). They have to face with national, cultural and religious differencies, so it can help to change their prejudices, enrich each others and make friends. Another benefit is language - they are made to speak English in order to communicate with volunteers, so it is a great way how to learn language effectively.
5. Partner Centres of leisure time - we have a functional partnerships with 3 Centres here in Orava region. Our present EVS vounteers helps there in different activities for children and young people, are a great benefit for them and teachers, too. The Centre of leisure time in Tvrdošín is specialized on sports, so they would like to have a volunteer - boy in order to be a part of the team in floorball, volleyball or basketball. For young people here they will be a great motivation and occasion to meet a young man from another country.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês