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Data de início: 05-11-2015

Data de fim: 01-04-2016

Vagas: 2

Duração: 5 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-09-2015

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The Public Library, serves as a center of information research and the provider of educational and leisure activities. The Library carries out functions of the Regional methodological center and provides methodological assistance for 11 centralized systems of Municipal Public Libraries. The Library is open to all visitors World Wide without any restrictions and age. The priority is to satisfy users' and visitors' educational, cultural and information research needs. The County Public Library functions are: the County depository of Lithuanian and foreign documents; the regional archival fund of published documents; the information center for social sciences and humanities, politics, economy and culture; the regional center for research and methodological assistance; the regional center of the Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System; The Library provides access to collections of books; periodicals; serial and information publications; manuscripts; video and audio documents; old and rare printings; compact discs; and documents of Lithuanian, foreign and international organizations.

The Library offers exhibitions and other cultural events that are open for all visitors. The library staff introduces the visitors to library services and provides qualified information and reference services. It has million items in the Library fund, including 5000 antique and rare books. The oldest book in the library - Theologia moralis, which was published in 1678 m.; The thickest book in the library is 3214 pages Webster English dictionary published in 1950;There are several private collections of books and other significant research materials for the region.

The library provides the following electronic services: book ordering, interlibrary loan, reservation, extension of a term of keeping a book etc. The library provides access to local and international databases, licensed in Lithuanian public libraries. There are 190 computerized workplaces in the library. The library organize various training activities, excursions round the library, volunteers activities, new books presentations, lectures, modern art exhibitions, cultural performances, after school programs, programs for reader development.

Perfil: Age: 17-30

Documentação: CV + Carta de motivação em inglês

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