Data de início: 07-05-2015
Data de fim: 01-05-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 05-05-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The associationis situated in a city has just over 700,000 inhabitants and the whole metropolitan area is roughly one million inhabitants. In terms of number of inhabitants. It is often referred to as the greenest city in Europe due to the high proportion of well maintained green spaces. The association is situatied in the central part in one-floor building that is a former Museum of History and Nature. The building itself represents a great historical and architectural monument. Rooms in the building look like 19th century place, some years ago a historical movie was planned to be shot there and some of the decorations remain. Unfortunately we do not have central hitting system in the building, so during the winter it can be quite challenging, but we built small hand-made stoves around the building and use wood to make it warmer in winters. There is water and toilet in the building.
Perfil: We would like to have volunteers who have a heart for travelling, alternative arts and culture. The volunteer should have experience in organising activity and projects or willing to learn more about working with projects. We prefer volunteers who are motivated and are willing to learn new things. This is more important than studies, degrees and previous experiences. We prefer people who are open and have a critical attitude, are enthusiastic team player, wanting to learn new things, assertive, flexible. In order to apply for the project volunteer needs to submit CV and motivation letter to the coordinating. Before the final selection the team will have an interview with potential candidates to make sure that the project expectations suits both parts. Selection will be based on the motivation of the volunteer.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The volunteers will be a member of the staff and will as such take part in meetings together with both permanent workers and local volunteers.
A) The volunteers will, according to specific competences, knowledge and background, also have the possibility of running own cultural projects besides taking part in the above mentioned.
B) The volunteer will have a couple of fixed duties together with local volunteers that are responsible for the daily activities of the association. Typical activities and tasks:
- creativity workshop: search on the internet for new topics and techniques, learn the techniques with the support of our team members, prepare materials, help beneficiaries, encourage the beneficiaries to be creative, ensure safety of beneficiaries and acknowledge their progress at the end of the workshop;
- outdoor activities: support the team in the preparation phase, helping them prepare materials, rules, find new workshop ideas and adapt them to the target groups age, promote the workshops (by social networks or distributing flyers), support the implementation of the workshops by making sure that participants are actively involved, respect rules and safety;
- designing information leaflets;
- assisting in the organisation of festival (preparing invitations, contacting artists, register participants, drafting final reports);
- website editing, forum, twitter and facebook page moderation;
- assisting in the drafting of press releases and press invitations;
- contacting potential partners (NGOs, youth organizations) and media;
The volunteers will be empowered to organize informal activities for the volunteers and community about their culture and their hobbies. Short term volunteers will be involved in short term activities, as cultural events or summer camps. Participation in the realization of the above mentioned tasks:
- will contribute directly to professional development of the volunteer aiming at obtaining experience in art/culture project and events management.
- it will allow the volunteer to get to know the arts and culture scene from Moldova and from abroad.
- to establish new relations with artists, cultural workers etc. as well as with the publics attending the organized events.
- volunteer can also learn arts and crafts production, as he/she is welcome to attend any of the permanent workshops of organization.
Volunteer will develop communication skills in Romanian, English, Russian languages that are spoken in the organization. The volunteer tasks will be revised upon volunteer arrival according to the current activities of the organization and motivation and abilities of the volunteer. We propose following draft schedule, however we are very flexible and it can be revised according to the interests of volunteer: As we said the organization is open from around 12:00 almost until midnight, so volunteer can chose suitable time for his/her activities especially in the beginning to ensure the language support meetings time and etc.
Horário: Monday - work in one of the workshops and helping the master - pottery, drums, wood.
Tuesday - if desired – helping in the vegan cooking club (if desired), or help another master.
Wednesday - searching and working with similar organizations - working on the internet. Sending mailing invitations. Searching for sponsors and foundations.
Thursday - putting up posters around town, printing and the distribution of flyers.
Friday - participating in the meeting on the work of the organization and preparation of activities - current and strategic.
Saturday - cleaning and strategic improvement of the basic rooms - the relocation of things, improving the appearance in whole.
Sunday – own project or - drafts of reports on activities, working on the archive - photos, videos.
Schedule is obviously very rough and necessarily will vary depending on the interests of the volunteers.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + carta de motivação em inglês