Data de início: 01-09-2015
Data de fim: 01-09-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 11-08-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: One of Moldova essential problems is the lack of information in the media about current trends of contemporary art and lack in the curriculum of adequate methodology and technical facilities regarding visual arts in general and innovative forms and practices in contemporary art in particular. There is a persistent informational vacuum regarding the autonomous artistic environment, as well as among the university lecturers and art theoreticians, students from the educational institutions of the republic. There is a lack of materials and information, which results in an inadequate theoretical and practical approach in the training of the new generation of interested in the new practices such as performance, digital processed image, installation art and art in public space on post-academic level. Evaluating the general cultural context in the country, we may conclude that the cultural life in Moldova is pretty much inert.
Taking into consideration the mentality and the stereotypes that are inherent for the nostalgia toward socialist utopia, which still persist, the interest for innovative forms and practices in contemporary art, performance art and the actual interpretation of art is, generally, extremely undeveloped: there is a sharp lack of critical attitudes on the role of new art practices play in the development of artist engagement among art community. Due to constant meetings and consultations with our projects beneficiaries (young artists generation, students from the local art institutions and teachers from art-colleges and art academies) at the art events organized by the Center, as well in the art institutions in the country our mission is to increase the number of professionals familiar with new practice based art events (workshops and seminars, exhibitions) in order to fulfil the needs of art community with innovative instruments that help to promote moral and aesthetic values by stimulating artist engagement, expanding the awareness toward identity phenomena located in the past and present of the post-socialist societies.
Perfil: Taking in account the interdisciplinary aspect of our projects, we do not expect specific experience, skills or education in particular field. The most important is the self motivation and interest in art and culture, integration in different context abilities, ingenious and eagerness to communicate and cooperate with local audience as well with people from other countries. Selection will be done after skype/phone interview by the organization
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The participation and involvement of volunteers in our activities, as well in the context of the country life will have a number of benefits. First of all volunteers will have chance to get experience in the process of organising and implementing various art&culture projects and programs, art management, art production and art education; familiarisation with the local artistic context and socio-cultural life of south-eastern country. Volunteer will also contact and establish relations with local and international artists, curators, theoreticians, cultural workers, as well the wider audience, involved in organisation programs. We are also interested and encouraging the initiation and implementation of a small scale personal projects by volunteers, as well their contribution and participation in organization projects (texts, art works, etc.).
As a Host Organization we are very interested to involve EVS volunteers in our daily activity as assistants and coordinators of our projects and programs. There are several different levels of involvement that we would be interested to offer to volunteers:
- help in running the office daily work;
- running and maintaining of the huge public library;
- completing, systematizing and maintenance of the projects archive, artists portfolios & data base (incl. the e-version);
- digitalization, systematization maintenance of the films&video collections;
- assisting the artists/curators in residency in Chisinau (helping them to realize their art projects) as part of artist in residency program;
- preparation and implementation of public events, technical assistance (meetings, film screenings, presentations, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.), coordination of different activities and events;
- public relations (design and distribution of posters, promotional materials);
- working with computer & web based applications: sending out press releases, website updates, database updates;
- office management and fundraising activities;
- graphic design: creation of posters / flyers;
- photo / video recording of the events;
- volunteer will also be offered to implement his/her own project within the organization or suggest ideas for new projects and programs elaborated by the organization.
In terms of personal small project, proposed by volunteer it could be an exhibition (personal or in group), exploring different media (appropriated to volunteers occupation or interest), presentation to wider audience, programs of screening, workshops, etc. As well, the volunteer can also take part as participant in some the organization projects and events.
Horário: A draft daily agenda:
Working hours: 11:00-17:00, lunch 13:00-14:00 (can we revised with the volunteer)
Monday – working with library, electronic listing of the books and periodicals (including all search data).
Tuesday – revision and systematization of VHS archive, starting the transfer in digital format.
Wednesday – working with the archive and artists data base, completing the portfolios, including new names.
Thursday – web page maintenance, processing of archival photo documentation of KSAK events, and completing the web site.
Friday – work of assisting, PR, correspondence. Friday afternoon meeting with KSAK staff on analyzing the working week (achievements, some wick moments, level of communication, process of accommodation, etc.)
The volunteer tasks will be revised upon volunteer arrival according to the current activities of the organization and motivation and abilities of each volunteer in part. The agenda is designed for the daily work with an exception of projects preparation and implementation: once we will have a project (video screening, exhibition preparation etc), the volunteer would be involved in the project implementation thus the weekly agenda would be modified a bit. We are also totally fine if volunteer decides to spend more time on doing one thing (like revision of VHS archive for instance) and less time on the other tasks (like web page maintenance).
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês