Data de início: 15-08-2015
Data de fim: 01-08-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 08-08-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The office is situated in a city has just over 700,000 inhabitants and the whole metropolitan area is roughly one million inhabitants. In terms of number of inhabitants, is one of the largest city of the country. The city is divided in five administrative sectors; Botanica, Buiucani, Center, Ciocana and Riscani. It is often referred to as the greenest city in Europe due to the high proportion of well maintained green spaces. In the Foundation we have several programmes: for children with disabilities and children with few opportunities, for elderly people. For some of the activities we have opened several small centres in the city: we have 2 centres for elderly people and one for the children with few opportunities. The Center for children and one Centre for Elderly persons and another Centre for elderly. In each Centers there is 1 full-time and other specialists are volunteers. In total in the Foundation we have 6 workers and around 50 local volunteers. In the main office of the Foundation that work from 9:00 – 17:00 we have 3 permanent workers. The Centres for Elderly people work from Monday till Friday from 9:00 – 14:00 oclock. The activity Centre for children work from Monday till Friday from 12:00 – 18:00 and of Saturday from 10:00 – 15:00. Also, we have working the program of helping families with disabled children. In this program we have local volunteers that organise visits at home and help the families. Their schedule depends on the necessity of the families. From each Centre there are public transportation to the city centre and other districts. Volunteer will be living in host family or rented flat with other international volunteers. Volunteer will have his own room, shared kitchen and bathroom. In the flat volunteer will have access to internet, land phone, washing machine. Flats and host families are situated in different districts of the city, normally to get from the flat to the work volunteer will need around 40 – 50 minutes.
Perfil: Criteria for selection includes: motivation; flexibility; openness; interpersonal skills; patience; warmth. Coordinator of the project selects candidates after receiving CV and motivation letters of the candidates proposed by the coordinating organization, biggest attention is paid on the motivation of volunteer to work with children with disabilities and elderly peoples, due to the fact that it is hard psychologically to work with such person, volunteer should be aware of that.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The volunteer will experience a mixed programme of activity within the Foundation, with the opportunity to contribute to the work of the different departments including primary, mobility and living groups with all age groups from children to old peoples. A period of induction will ensure confidence-building and overall development of volunteers. After this induction, the volunteer will be able to determine the focus of his or her volunteering activity according to his or her interests and skills. Changing work areas or developing a varied programme of activity is negotiable at anytime. In the Centre for children there is sport room, where children can practice different physical exercises or dances, room for table games, room for workshops, computer class, kitchen where the children have cooking lessons. The Centre is opened from 12:00AM till 18:00PM, during this time volunteer will be assisting educator during different workshops, organize leisure time of the children that are not in the workshops. Depending on the volunteers abilities s/he will be asked to:
- assist in workshops of the centre (this will not replace paid staff but will complement the centre activities curriculum by enabling additional one to one help for beneficiaries and activities, which would otherwise not be possible). Staff are keen to take advantage of hosting someone from another culture who will bring in an intercultural dimension where possible, encouraging the volunteer to contribute his or her own ideas to activities (e.g., one-to-one help with the computer, contributing to researching and help with homework, etc.).
- develop life skills by motivating the children to take responsibility for their own daily lives.
- participate in and assisting with social activities, e.g. trips to sporting events, cinema, concerts and etc.
- initiate own projects and activities (e.g., awareness sessions on own culture, language classes, cookery or introducing a game or sport from their country of origin).
Centres for old persons work from 9:00 AM till 14:00AM, each centre has several rooms for different activities such as: foreign language lessons, computer lessons, medicine, chore, religion, interest clubs. In the beginning volunteer will be helping the coordinator to organise the activities after the adaptation and integration phase volunteer will be expected to:
- participate together with the coordinator in organizing planned activities such as foreign language lesson, computer lessons, chore, interest clubs;
- assist in social activities, e.g. trips, concert, theatre, outdoor activities;
- help beneficiaries to organise discussion club;
- initiate own projects and activities (e.g., awareness sessions on own culture, cookery or introducing traditions from their country of origin).
In the program working with children with disabilities, volunteer can join local volunteers to visit beneficiaries at home. During this visits volunteer will:
- support children at familiar times such mealtimes and bedtimes, helping children to wear and put off clothes and involve them in different activities, while local volunteer is busy with the parents;
- help the parents with house duties while they are spending time with children.
Volunteer is free to elaborate his own schedule together with the volunteer coordinator and also to choose the activities that are interested for him.
It is hoped that in the end of the project the volunteer will gain: knowledge of a new country/mentality/language; practical, life and work experience; increased open-mindedness; new perception of differences as an opportunity, not a barrier; increased ability to put problems into perspective; confidence and independence; help in making a career choice; exposure to new ideas and opportunities; a new perception of own home country/own national identity/own friends and family; a greater awareness of visual impairment in particular and disability in general.
The responsible person for EVS understands English, but does not speak it fluently also some beneficiaries speak basic English, also several volunteers and some children have knowledge of English.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês