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Data de início: 01-08-2015

Data de fim: 01-08-2016

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 26-07-2015

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: the host organization is a subdivision of the Municipal Direction for protection of child?s rights.
As beneficiaries of the Centre can be persons with physical (children with age between 7 and 18 and youth with age between 19 - 30), parents and tutors and children.
The Centre develops activities in order to achieve the following objectives:
a) achieving the change in the mindset on the children with disabilities
b) reducing the phenomenon of marginalization and social exclusion of the disadvantaged categories
c) social integration of the children and youth with disabilities
d) prevention of the institutionalization of the children and youth with physical disabilities
e) prevention of the family breakup which have children with disabilities.

Perfil: Age: 17-30

Tarefas: The volunteer will work in the Centre as a person who co-organizes the ideas which the young people and instructors realize during the workshops. The Volunteer will initially be the instructors' assistant, but gradually her contribution to the content of the workshops will grow. Because there are many different workshops, the volunteer will work in various teams during the volunteering period.

Exact times of the Volunteer's activity, as well as breaks, meal times etc. will be arranged on her arrival so that they suit the Volunteer, the participants and the coordinators. The volunteer's involvement throughout the volunteer service might look as follows: The first two months: the volunteer takes part in all kinds of activities according to personal interests, in order to see what area of activity would suit him best. At the end of this period, the

volunteer chooses 3-5 workshops which she would like to take part in the next quarter of the volunteering period. The choice depends on volunteer's interests and abilities. The following three months: the volunteer can take part in particular workshops or can co-operate with the coordinators. The volunteer's own ideas may also be carried out. He also takes part in all cultural events connected with particular activities (e.g. if he is involved in the singing class, he will also be involved in the organization of Christmas Songs Festival). The following three months: the volunteer continues his participation in the classes from previous months or chooses new ones. In this period, the emphases will be put on his own ideas, innovations and projects which will be realized within the framework of the Centre activities. The volunteer will be a partner of the teacher. To sum up, the Volunteer's role progresses from the role of an observer, through participant to creator. The volunteer will not be responsible for the participants of a given class: this is the task of the teacher. The volunteer will help to develop new ideas. She/he will be supported by the coordinators at every stage of his work.

The Volunteer's presence will enable the Centre's intercultural education program become real and tangible. By being exposed to a foreign volunteer, the local young people learn about living in a multicultural society, about the harmful effects of intolerance, xenophobia and prejudice and finally about the good effects of getting to know other cultures and languages. On the other hand, the Volunteer gains invaluable experience connected with working with young people and learns about the local ways of spending free time. It is a great chance for the Volunteer to develop his own talents and skills which can be used in different workshops

Among the offered activities are: participation in rehabilitation programme (assisting in integrative dance and creative workshops, assisting activities for disabled and able-bodied children (drawing workshop, cinema club, ping pong, computer classes etc.), organizing crafts, table games, ping pong, computer classes, origami, dance, drama workshop, foreign language workshop etc. Besides this volunteers will be engaged in different events preparation and implementation (festivals, holidays celebrations, intercultural activities, contests, social actions, guided tours etc).

The volunteer is encouraged to propose the activities for and with the children according to their own background and ideas. The volunteers’ part in caring for the children would for the most part entail spending time with them, playing and eating with them, possibly teaching them some language in a playful way, sports, or art.

Horário: The volunteers will work from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. that will depend on the activities planned, 5 days per week. They will have 2 days off each week. Sometimes the volunteers will be asked to work on weekends and to have days off on working days, because there might be some events and activities on weekends, like trips to other cities or some celebrations.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês

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