Data de início: 15-08-2015
Data de fim: 01-08-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 11-08-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 50 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is is situated in the city has just over 700,000 inhabitants and the whole metropolitan area is roughly one million inhabitants. In terms of number of inhabitants, Chisinau is the largest city of the country. It is often referred to as the greenest city in Europe due to the high proportion of well maintained green spaces. In the city there are hosted international volunteers from different international programs, they are like a small community. Also, Chisinau has a lot of entertainment possibilities (cafes, bars, theatres, cinemas, etc) often there are organised expositions in galleries etc.
The building of the Centre was build specially for us, it has 2 floors, each floor has kitchen, bathroom, bed rooms, play room. It is like a home for children, cosy, each child has his/her small private place. Outside we have space for a garden where in spring the children can plant some vegetables and fruits. We have a small team of specialist in social problems that work in shifts for 24 hours, cook and the director of the centre, in total we are 16 workers. Unfortunately we do not speak any foreign language, just two of the workers know basic English, but as we host volunteers long time already all the workers are used to help volunteers in the beginning to adapt to the children and to learn fast the Romanian language that is very important in working with children, especially if volunteer is interested to organise some activities with children. The categories of children - beneficiaries of the host organization - are very different and depend on complexity of their problems. Our children are from age group is 2 – 13, from vulnerable families, victims of physical violence, sexual abuse, abandoned or neglected by their parents. Each of them is individual and have different necessities and interest, we work for the inclusion in general system of education from Moldova and fast reintegration in the family, extended or other protection forms.
Perfil: The main criteria is patience, according to small children and their needs, open-heart, kindness and desire to work with children. Because children in the center speak Romanian, the volunteers have to be open for communication without common language at the beginning and learning Romanian (from our experience, it always goes smoothly as children are the best language teachers). It is known that the children look up to adults, their manners, how they dress and to communicate. Personal hygiene and behaviour are the best educators for the children to develop the right abilities for life. That is why it is important for the Center to be consequent in its educational/work programme.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: In the week-ends children have more free time and in the centre there are organized some recreational activities. On Saturday we have cooking lessons, also is the big cleaning day (change the bed sheets, wash the clothes, cleaning in the wardrobes). On Sunday we rest, in the afternoon we check the clothes for school and if all the home-works are done. Volunteers role, especially in the beginning till volunteer will learn Romanian language, will be assisting the social workers in taking care of the children, bring children from school, help with homework, help with cleaning or other housework. After learning the language volunteer will organize leisure time for children. They will play different games, go for walks together and work in the interest clubs after school. Together they will organize different events, activities interested for the children in free time in the working days or on week-ends. The volunteers will be given an opportunity to bring their own ideas for activities, that fit with schedule of the centre described earlier. All ideas that volunteers will propose will be consulted with the supervisor of the Center to make sure that they fit in it, that will permit to the volunteers and children to to learn more about other countries and different cultures and traditions. During the project the children and volunteer will have a possibility to open and express themselves and develop their skills and talents. Through constant communication with Moldovan children and the staff, playing national games, singing songs, telling tales etc., the volunteers will receive a unique opportunity to get to know Moldovan culture and probably to discover something new in their own culture by looking at it from another perspective. Dealing with children in the centre, the volunteers will improve their social and communication skills, develop knowledge, hobbies and interests in variety of fields (like handcrafts, dancing, singing etc.) and finally will receive a valuable experience in social work. The volunteers will work mainly with the age group 2-13.
Their main tasks will consist in:
- to learn Romanian language to be receptive in the workers request
- to help with: picking up children from the school;
- helping centres staff in cleaning;
- assisting the children with their daily needs and responsibilities;
- help in doing home-work for English lessons
- playing with the children, using his /her creativity and games he/she knows
- read stories and songs in easy language
- organize handicraft workshops
The volunteer tasks will be revised upon volunteer arrival according to the current activities of the organization and motivation and abilities of the volunteer. If volunteer also will be asked to work during the weekend, s/he will be allocated day off during the week. Upon the arrival volunteers will have the intensive course of Romanian language, during the project volunteer will have 30 hours of language support that will realised according to volunteers necessities, the language support will be arranged by the coordinating organization. The lessons are organised by peoples that are interested to teach language to foreign persons, they are not professional teachers.
Horário: Main goal of the Centre is to develop a family – house atmosphere for children. Every day there is a specific schedule that is respected. Approximately it looks like:
6:15–6:30: get up, wash, clean the bed, breakfast, preparing for school, go to school, kindergarten;
10:30: breakfast for the children that stay home;
11:30–12:30: come from school:
13:00: Lunch:
13:30–15:30: sleep;
14:00–16:00: do home-works, individual activities
16:00: snack time
16:30–19:00: do home-works., interest clubs,
19:00: dinner,
19:30: cleaning the rooms,
20:30: prepare for the next day, prepare for bed;
21:00: sleep
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês