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Data de início: 01-09-2015

Data de fim: 31-08-2016

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 21-01-2015

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The volunteers will take part of the activities which are already taking place in the Club : Judo, Karate, lndoor Football, American Football, chess. He will participate in the organization of sports events related with the disciplines already mentioned. He will collaborate also in the child psicomotricity, gym for elderly person and other sport activities organized during the summer camps.
We think that the cultural knowledge, the different perspectives and way of working of a young European could be really interesting for the different groups : third age, aduits, young and kids. It could enrich the work of the association.

Perfil: We are looking for young people with interest and motivation for cultural and free time activities with kids and teenagers but also interested in the rest of the citizens. The volunteers have in mind what they can do or bring to the club. We are looking for Young people with communication and social skills, enthusiastic, creative with sense of initiatives and with solidarity and European identity values.

Beside this, we try to mix the nationalities of the different volunteers to guaranteed an intercultural exchange. It’s better if the volunteer has a formation or an experience in sports field, especially in the disciplines already mentioned.
Finally, we consider important the work of the sending organization, which is an essential part..
We request the volunteers interested to fill a questionnaire which includes a part for the volunteer and a part for the sending organization. In the part destinated to the volunteer. we want him to explain as detailed as possible his interest, motivations, skills,

Etc. ... In the part for the sending organization; we want them to explain how they develop its functions as a sending organization, which support or formation are provided to the volunteers. The volunteers can fill the questionnaire with the support of the responsible of their sending organisation.
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: We want to offer the volunteer a social experience, through his integration in the sport activities already taking place in the Club for the people of The neighbourhood : third age, adults, young kids.
The hosting organization has an experience in the non formal education. The volunteers will learn by taking part of the different activities under the control of the technical team. There will be a following of the volunteers through rneetings of evaluation, where the the acquisition of knowledge will be evaluated.

The Club wants to offer the volunteer the opportunity:
-To work in group with young and specialists of the centre
- To learn foreign languages: castellan and Galician
- To learn how lo set up quality and innovative sport activities
- To participate actively in the planning of the different activities.
- To promote his country to the people of the association
-To experiment working with young and kids
- To develop activity leader skills
- To know the running of a sports club: how to program activities, how lo develop and evaluate them.
- To learn dynamics to motivate kids and teenagers
-To suggest and organise new activities for the centre
-To learn how sports tournament are working
- To develop coaching skills
- To learn how to plan and develop an inter cultural meeting
- To learn how to plan, develop and evaluate a summer camp for kids
- To develop skills as an activity leader
- To learn how lo be more patient, open minded and independent
-To discover a new culture in many different aspects.
- To learn the importance of meeting different mentalities and cultures for the personal development

Concretely the volunteers will have to collaborate with the technical team. The activity leaders and the others volunteers. They will bring initiative but won’t have the functions of a real activity leader in any of these tasks
-Support in sports activities: helps kids to get dressed (judogui, kimono. Etc., make them move to the activities and help the leader to organize the activities.
- Collaborate with the coaches of the activities :judo, karate, chess, American Football, flag football and indoor foolball.
- Maintenance, organization, management of the sport material of the different Sports tournament : the one organized by the club and others where an activity leader is needed
- Child and juvenile psychomotricity: research of resorts, support in the activity
- Keep fit gym classes for the third age.
- Speed up the social networks of the Club
- Animation and speeding up of the sports activities, by bringing initiatives.
- Organization of special activities of the centre or popular feast: Magosto, Christmas. Carnaval ... Having in mind that the centre is taking part in a lot of popular feast, it would be interesting if the volunteers share their experiences and the way they are
living their own popular feast in their countries, or their regions.
-Scheduling, preparation and evaluation of the activities they are participating in: design the activities, preparation of the material, research of resorts.
- Campaigns of distribution of the information on the Youth in Action program: informative meetings, courses, distribution of flyers.
- Tell their EVS experience and help the potential Spanish volunteers who want to do an EVS in their country of origin.

- Develop a personal Project related lo their preferences, skills and capacities. When the volunteers know the reality and general dynamic of the club, have more facilities with the language and feel more secures, they will develop their own personal project.
-They will be able lo count, in every moment, on the support and the coordination of the technical team and the rest of the volunteers of the association. The personal projects can be to propose an entire new activity (volleyball) or to bring knowledge to an activity which is already taking place
- The benefit for the local community and the contact with it is guaranteed because 85% of the participants in the activities of the centre are from the local community.
The general timetable of the volunteers will be from Monday lo Friday or from Tuesday lo Saturday, from 25 lo 30 hours/week. It will depends of the hours spending for their language courses and the meetings about the scheduling and evaluation of the different
activities they are participating in. Beside, they will have 2 free days/week: Saturday and Sunday or Sunday and Monday, plus the holydays.

Horário: An example of a random week:
Monday lo Friday:
16.00 - 20.30. Sport activities, psychomotricity. Gym for elderly
20.30 - 21.30. Personal project and other activities
10.30-13.30 o de 16-19h Sports activities, games, sports tournament, etc
You have to add to this timetable the language courses, taking place in the morning and which vary depending on the necessity of each volunteer. There will be also job meeting with the technical team and the volunteers of the association.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês + Application form

Download: 5117 - Application Form.pdf

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