Data de início: 01-01-2016
Data de fim: 01-07-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 6 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-11-2015
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organisation is located in a town of 20,000 inhabitants. Agriculture, mainly olive groves, is the predominant economic activity in the area, although a number of different initiatives that contribute to the diversification and modernisation of the area were being developed, but at this time many of them are at risk of disappearing because of the crisis. In this incipient emergence of new activities in the business sector ADEGUA played an important role, through programs and projects implemented in recent years, mainly with the support of EU funds. The society is still quite closed in several aspects (traditions, roles of men and women, civic mindedness, foreign languages...) although new communication technologies, the increasing education levels of younger population and improving communications increasingly contribute to make it more open. Projects such as the present one can be a very positive contribution in this regard, and especially for his direct connection with the education of our children and the families' involvement in that process.
Furnished flats will be rented for the accommodation of the volunteers, in the same town in which the host organization is located.
Perfil: Volunteers will be selected according to their human profile, their motivation and interest in the particular project. It is also important to consider their interest in working with children or in the issue of European awareness. So far we have hosted young persons with all types of profiles (students, young people who left their training to work, young people who did speak Spanish language, others who did not speak it at all ...) and they have managed to adapt and contribute to the project.
Applications will be received within a given period of time and from them a selection will be made by the team of the Europe Direct Andalucía Rural. Priority will be given to selecting some young people who live in isolated rural areas to ensure that some placements go to this profile. Collaboration in order to do this will be asked from sending organisations.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The organisation has a permanent contact with the population of the territory, it is fully established in it and stands as a meeting place for debate and discussion among leading representatives of local institutions, economic actors and local actors. This allows volunteers to have a direct knowledge of the society in the area. Apart from this, volunteers are integrated into the work of the Europe Direct Centre in schools in a straightforward manner. Volunteers can perceive the effect of their collaboration in a direct way because they have constant contact with the target audience and partners, in addition to the hosting organisation.
As already reflected, the volunteers join the European Information Centre and from there they collaborate and participate in all actions on European awareness, European values and diversity that the Centre develops in the participating schools. Volunteers can and should suggest and contribute ideas, to make the project also theirs. The information and European animation in the context of primary education can be implemented through various activities held jointly by the organization, parents associations (with the support of the teachers where appropriate) and volunteers.
Volunteers will conduct workshops on the European Union (its values, its constituent countries, cultures and languages, the importance of diversity ...) that will be designed jointly by the European Information Centre, the parents associations and the very volunteers, with the support of the teachers at the school if necessary. These workshops will be tailored to different ages. To do this, existing materials available on the Internet, at schools themselves and compiled by the European Information Centre for this purpose can be used. Volunteers will meet regularly (at least twice a week) with the coordinator of the project to plan the activities, but they will also have a workplace in each of the schools to prepare their activities with the complementary support of the teaching staff of the educational centre if needed. Furthermore, the volunteers will have time and resources to create supplementary materials. Thus, the activities will complement, from a non-formal learning point of view, what children learn about the EU at school (which is usually limited and only takes place in the last years of primary school).
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês/espanhol