Data de início: 01-09-2015
Data de fim: 31-05-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-06-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The municipality with it´ s 5497 habitants and has a 23 kilometers long sea border.
The center of the municipality is the township. Smaller regional centers are villages, where there are basic schools; shops; libraries with public internet access; community houses and post offices. Most densely populated villages of the 25 villages in the municipality . With a good geographical position, a serene and picturesque natural environment, a good road network and the proximity of the town have contributed to a fast increase of the population.
Perfil: Volunteer should have good communication skills, s/he should want to work with youth and has proactive attitude towards creating different events in small community.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Project takes place in a school where volunteers can help the head of interest to carry out different events for the school. Volunteer has also an opportunity to organise events in local culture house.
Volunteer will be involved: He will participate in all the activities of the workers and events of the parish. For example celebrating workers birthdays, Christmas parties, trips etc. He is going to have a road-trip around the parish and be showed some other schools, kindergarten and youth centers. He will be involved in some traditional events like for example celebrating School 75th birthday, Christmas week, Estonian independent day, school Song Day etc. If the volunteer wants he can join our hobby classes.
In the daytime the volunteer can take part in school everyday life and in the evening he help to organize an event or being in an event with youth worker. Volunteer will work altogether 7hours per day. September 2014 we will open parent´s school (cooking lessons, ceramics, art) and some afternoon there will need to set up the room..
This plan doesn`t count if there is any event or festive. In that case the volunteer will have to help to organize or take part in that event.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglès + Application form.
Download: 4997 - Application Form.doc