Data de início: 01-08-2015
Data de fim: 30-06-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 11 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-06-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
The organization is a circus studio that works mainly in two places. The first place is located almost in the city's centre in now prestigious old wooden house. On the contrary the second center is almost outside of the city in
a quiet area, is a peaceful and harmonic area. Both places are easily accessed bypublic transport.
People in the organization are professional trainers in expressive arts and the organization is a circus studio one of a kind in Estonia. We practice new circus form and are very much dedicated in our work. Volunteer who will
be part of our team will get a chance to work in a small and motivated group of people who are
dedicated to develop Estonian circus scene.
Perfil: Looking for a volunteer who likes working with children, is interested and has some experience in circus thus could run workshops with children on some area in circus.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Circus workshops with children.
Volunteers main task is to assist trainers during the trainings. In the beginning of the training
volunteers can play games with children to help them warm up and get into the upcoming training
session. During the training they will assist trainers in where ever their assistance is needed during
the training session.
Additionally to trainings they will help to keep order in our equipment and rooms. Volunteers assist
during the performances, help to create decorations and keep order in backstage to make sure that
performance runs in order. Volunteers can also suggest themes and for the performance and if
confident enough also stage one. When we say that volunteer will be a full member of the staff then
we also mean that we include the volunteer to our weekly brainstorming meetings where he/she can
contribute with her/his ideas. We welcome any kind of own initiatives taken up by the volunteer.
The activities is a programme for all social groups to be involved and to become aware of circus as
an art tool.
1) – assisting in the training periods
2) – taking part in the adult trainings
3) – helping in the production works of new performances for Christmas 2012 and spring 2013
as well as helping to organise all the other performances during the season.
4) – taking care of all the props of the organization including the mats and the store room.
5) – according to his/her own interest in circus, implement his/her own ideas with the help of
youth or teachers.
Volunteers can participate in all of our trainings and performances. S/he can plan her/is personal
training while using our facilities and equipment. We are also partners with Doll Museum and other
circus groups in town, so visits to their shows and any kind of collaboration with our partner is
supported by us.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês + Application Form
Download: 4993 - Application Form.doc