República Checa
Data de início: 01-03-2016
Data de fim: 01-02-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 11 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 31-08-2015
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: Our office is situated in the attic of an apartment building which is located in very centre of the city. There are 7 smaller rooms each shared by 2-3 people, one meeting room, kitchen, lavatory and shower. The volunteer will have a working place in one of the offices, equipped by all standard facilities (computer etc.).
The office is the main contact place for active volunteers, trainers and leaders of our projects but also for people seeking first information about voluntary possibilities, joining information sessions, trainings and meetings. This creates busy, interactive and inspirational environment – especially in the spring and summer season.
During the project volunteer will also have an opportunity to get involved in our regional voluntary projects and campaigns. That gives him/her and opportunity to experience Czech culture in the different regions of the country with its local specifics and traditions.
Perfil: Our project is opened to anybody with an interest in our activities and projects and a strong motivation in becoming an active member of our team. We welcome open minded and flexible people with willingness to learn and invest own energy and ideas into the common goals and eventually develop their own project. It is useful to be able to work independently as well as in a team. Volunteers should be prepared that a lot of work is of administrative character and not always in the field. Previous experiences with volunteering, involvement in the NGO sector or Global Education can be valuable but are not requested. At least basic knowledge of English and some communication skills are needed.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: 1. assisting with the preparation and realisation of "Football for Development" project from March to July. While taking part in organisation tasks before the campaign starts, s/he will be appointed to communicate with participants and preparing documents. While assisting with realisation of the campaign s/he will be supporting the youth during their travel around the CZ in co-organizing public events, football tournaments, youth workshops, assisting project coordinator with financial management, documenting the campaign etc. – 30% (percentage of involvement in the activity during a year)
2. support of a programme called GLEN (Global Education Network of Young Europeans), taking part in the global education activities organized by the volunteers of the organization – 5%;
3. assisting and participating in activities within the project called Our little Stereotypes focused on intercultural learning and volunteering in cooperation with secondary school students – 10%;
4. according to the volunteers interest involvement into one or more project groups (Volunteering in Czech Republic - leading a workcamp, support the trainings for trainers, Production..) in Club of volunteers (DoK) – 10%;
5. raising awareness about volunteering and voluntary projects and intercultural exchanges among the Czech youth at different regions of Czech Republic (presentations, promo actions, meetings etc.) – 5%;
6. opportunity to develop project according to her/his interest – 25%;
7. opportunity to learn Czech – 10%.
During this time the EVS volunteer may have the opportunity to develop his or her skills in these specific fields:
a/ WORKSHOP FACILITATION - preparing, organizing and facilitating youth workshops in the field of global education outside of the formal education system
b/ MEDIA - documenting the campaing /photography, video, audio, writing articles, web work/
c/ FOOTBALL - learning about new dimension of football, applying football coaching skills
d/ ART AND DRAMA - initiate art work street theatre, composing songs and music with the youth ambassadors of the campaign
e/ ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS – getting familliar and confident while using common office tools and systems - daily use of various programmes