Data de início: 06-09-2016
Data de fim: 31-12-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 4 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-08-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is located in the district, which is a historical region in Poland, surrounded by the mountains and hill ranges. The relatively small area offers an exceptionally large number of various riches. It is the largest conglomeration of renowned health resorts, the rock labyrinths of the Mountains, the wilderness of the Mountains, the famous sanctuaries, charming little towns situated in mountain dales, mountain strongholds, castle ruins, churches and caves. Thanks to means of transport (bus or train) it is possible to get to some bigger towns. The biggest problem in the city and the surrounding area is high and still increasing unemployment rate. This causes many economic and social concerns (e.g. lack of cultural life and youth facilities, lack of public transport, lack of tourist facilities, etc). Currently the region is trying to promote its many interesting places to visit and beautiful countryside in order to increase tourism, create jobs and regenerate the area.
The population of district consists of people repatriated from former eastern parts of Poland. Currently inhabitants are strongly assimilated, but they still cultivate their own traditions. Because of these circumstances and the past our community is very tolerant towards other nations. Open minded character of the Commune inhabitants as well as their European attitude and multiculturalism create warm atmosphere for visitors.
Future projects and the involvement of the European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteers are vital to allowing the local community and the district to continue the balance and improve its social and economic infrastructure.
Perfil: The recruitment process will be prepared in accordance with the equal accessibility and is divided into two steps: firstly, the candidate is obliged to send his/her CV and application; secondly, candidates take part in an interview. This will help to choose
the best candidates for the project because their interests, expectations, personality and experience will be verified.
The recruitement process will be held by the EFM and the external contact office of the Sport and Recreation Centre of the Commune.
The characteristic and skills the volunteer is expected to have:
- elementary English (the second language is appreciated but not essential) â Polish lessons will be provided to help the
volunteer communicate with local people
- being open-minded, communicative and tolerant
- creativity, flexibility, energy, taking initiative and the ability to adapt to a new environment
- sport enthusiastic
- interests in culture,music, art, history â are desirable
- passion of working with and for the youth, children and elder people
- no special education is required
- at age between 18-30 years old
The project will be available in this database and the Sending Organisations, cooperating with the EFM will be informed about the vacancies. The EFM will also give the details about the project to Partner Organisations.
Tarefas: There are a variety of activities in which the volunteers will be involved. The main task is the organizing leisure time for children and teenagers and supporting or moderating the cultural and sport activities. Because of the fact that the Centre consists of 29 cultural community centres, we would like our volunteers to work in different places, in various environment and become more mobile. Every day they change their placement and have different tasks. Volunteers will be asked to work from 01:00
PM to 07:00 PM, so in the afternoon. For example, on Monday they are responsible for dance or sport activities, on Tuesday they run theatre group, on Wednesday they are in charge of preparing some activities, i.a. boarding games, puzzles or making
models, pottery, on Thursday they take part in discussions on specified topics (including presentation of their country and comparisons with Polish customs and tradition) or run courses in the Internet cafe, on Friday they teach foreign languages
(including their own mother tongue) and have the opportunity to learn Polish as well in order to overcome stereotypes and gain better understanding of Polish culture and tradition, etc. Their duties and activities will depend on the particular target group:
they will work with children and the youth. Volunteers will also participate in many events organized by our Centre. These tasks aim at broaden their mind, teach them flexibility, tolerance and the ability to adapt to a new environment which is essential in any work nowadays.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês