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Data de início: 01-07-2015

Data de fim: 01-07-2016

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 26-07-2015

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 65 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Activities related to administrative commitments, creative tasks and various communication activities of the volunteers will be held at renned for the aim office in the center. In this office the volunteers will provide also an information for the EU youth programmes and initiatives, for other activities of the Instritute and will consulte the students and youth about questions related with EVS. In this office the volunteers will work together with minimum one of the of the organization‘s members.

The ‘field work’ related to the contemporary artistic life and video interviews with young Bulgarian artists will take a place in representative art institutions - public and private galleries, which implement individual and group exhibitions, artistic actions in urban festivals for contemporary art, lectures and other events related to contemporary visual art in Bulgaria. Some of artistic events that volunteers should documented in Bulgarian cities, which are candidates for the European Year of Culture 2019, and in such cases provided trips for volunteers for specific festivals, exhibitions and other forms of artistic activity designed to ensure the visibility of the Bulgarian participation in the European Capital of Culture 2019. Duties of the volunteer will be associated with a monthly attendance of workshops visual artists , exhibitions in various public and private galleries and museums on the territory of the country, documenting and reporting of their events, conducting interviews with curators in these institutions and artists taking a part in in the initiatives.

Part of the activities the volunteers will be associated with the documentation of implemented urban youth subcultural forms of visual culture such as graffiti, street art and in this case the environment will be conducting specific urban space. Captured outreach material will be processed later in the workshop to acquire the type of video interviews, reports, short reviews and uploaded to a specially created and maintained by volunteers online platform. The realization of some of tasks volunteers will work with the student community of universities.

Perfil: Age: 17-30

Tarefas: Activities related to documentation and promotion of artistic events and Bulgarian young visual artists will give to the volunteer an opportunity to acquire certain knowledge and skills in areas that are important for successful work in the art world and the NGO sector.

* The language course, will give the volunteer knowledge of Bulgarian language, so he/she could develop in their daily contact and socialization in their artistic and student communities to create real knowledge of Bulgarian culture.
* Activities related to the daily correspondence with the partners of the organization; as well as work with office technique , and skills for creation of photo and video archives, databases, mailing lists, preparation and dissemination of official information will form in the volunteer basice administrative skills.
* volunteer / volunteers will gain experience of teamwork, in specific tasks, together with the team of the organization and representatives of the student communities
* Preparation and implementation of EVS presentations to student communities will develop communication and presentation skills of volunteers , as well as self-confidence
* Creative tasks in the preparation of various multimedia products, video interviews and reports, photographic documentation of specific events will give volunteers digital and technical skills to work with the software, and knowledge of different photographic and video technologies
* during so called "Reportage" activities of volunteers will provide an opportunity to develop creative skills for creative reflection of different cultural and artistic events
-the EVS volunteer will be involved also in some activities of our partner organisation( focused on Bulgarian cultural heritage promotion). We lock for an young person interested in topics as: blogging/Citizen Journalism and/or Youth Information/ Youth work and/or Video editing and/or Art history/managment and/or Museum Studies

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês

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