Data de início: 01-06-2015
Data de fim: 01-06-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 12-05-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization would like to host a young volunteer for one year, in order to sensitize the local youngsters about the value and the meaning of voluntarism, as an act of active commitment and responsible action of every citizen that allows everyone to make a solider world which promote the development of the abilities and self-realization.
The volunteers will create a video and info and promote - publications of the European Voluntary Service and will organize an “info-caravan” that will go around the villages and the cities of the area in order to sensitize the local youth about the values of the voluntary and the European Voluntary Service.
The volunteers will create a hosting stand in our organization’s office, to promote the EVS and to welcome the youngsters and the citizens who want information about the European projects for youth and the EVS.
During the sensitization’s actions the volunteers will organize questioning sessions and discussions with the youngsters and will develop the results of the voluntary projects that were held by the young volunteers.
In order to realize the sensitization actions, the volunteers will cooperate with the municipalities, the schools, the youth centres, the youth organizations and the local media. They will mobilize a group of local youngsters in order to help them to organize their activities.
During the sensitization’s actions the volunteers will organize questioning sessions and discussions with the youngsters and will develop the results of the voluntary projects that were held by the young volunteers.
In order to realize the sensitization actions, the volunteers will cooperate with the municipalities, the schools, the youth centres, the youth organizations and the local media. They will mobilize a group of local youngsters in order to help them to organize their activities.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: I- Visibility:
- to organize promotional events for the local community - to manage social networks of the organization - to promote the activities of the organization and from other volunteers - to create promotional materials for the organization, like flyers, posters, videos - to work together with other volunteers and to promote as well their activity - to make promotional campaigns through videos, posters and presentations in order to mobilize and convince components of the society - to organize intercultural events where people can learn new cultures and traditions
-to go around the villages and the cities of the area in order to sensitize the local youth about the values of the voluntary and the European Voluntary Service.
- to cooperate with local MEDIA, volunteers of the Radio-Net «project of the Organization, to do emissions.
- to create a DVD and videos that enhance the results of these activities and make his/her project more visible.
II- (Time bank management)
- to develop a monthly newsletter (where they can see which are the services that the participants offer and require and to have information about activities organized by time bank):
- send it to the participants
- put in contact people (for demand services or activities the participants have to contact directly with the organization because all the personal information is private)
- Organize group exchanges of time (Like: excursions, departures, trekking, street events…)
- to organize two group meetings per month in order to discuss about some group initiatives, propositions, improvements, demands or exchange ideas.
- to manage the time bank's face book group.
- Disseminate the activities of the Time bank .
- Helping for a little time in the office.
- Cooperate with the administrator of time bank website for technical support and to keep updated the webpage
- to cooperate with local MEDIA, volunteers of the Radio-Net «project of the Organization, to do emissions.
- to create DVD and videos that enhance the results of these activities and make her project more visible.
III-Coordinating the club of youth future entrepreneurs)
- Update the youth entrepreneur’s website
- To manage facebook and twitter pages of youtheclub
- Create monthly a magazine in different topics of entrepreneurship
- Create promotional materials for the project, Flyers, posters etc.
- Initiate and motivate youngsters to create, prepare and plan activities and business plans - To make interviews with expert in entrepreneurs field - Cooperate with institutions of the organization to involve the largest number of youth in the Club.
- To create promotional event for the club
- To keep active the members of the club
- Find new and creative ways of attracting more young people to join the club
- To help in the office
- To cooperate with other volunteers from the organization - Prepare presentations and publications to promote and disseminate the results of his project.
- to cooperate with local MEDIA and Municipality
- to create DVD and videos that enhance the results of these activities and make his/her project more visible.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês + Application Form
Download: 4829 - Application_Form.doc