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Data de início: 03-11-2014

Data de fim: 03-09-2015

Vagas: 1

Duração: 10 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 29-09-2014

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The host organization is located a town located half way between the city; it almost makes the border between the two provinces. It 's a town of about 10 000 inhabitants; we have the main services (municipality, library, health and emergency services, banks, post office ....) and within a few kilometers you are in wider contexts where there are commercial, cultural and sporting offers.

Como has a long history that you can discover in the urban architecture and in the city museums; the walks in pedestrian areas or along the lake let you discover intense and exciting landscapes. There are numerous historical villas where the gardens are the element of great integration with the natural environment; they host an amazing variety of flowers and plants.

The city has a great development of cultural events. There are museums of international interest, among these we mentioned the museum of Villa Panza and the open-air museum of the Cross of the Sacred Mountain recently entered in the UNESCO World heritage.

We have several regional parks in the two provinces.

The organization is responsible for spreading a culture of collaboration and promotion of minorities, and disability above all. In particular, the action that operators play together with volunteers is intended to establish a culture of solidarity that is not replacement or forbearance of other people’s limits, but a real awareness that everyone possesses unique virtues that can be useful

Perfil: We will take in great consideration the motivations, the desire to make themselves available for the project and the curriculum vitae. Any discrimination about sex, age, culture, religious and political beliefs or sexual orientation will be applied.
The leadership team and the educational equip will be pleased to accept every nominations; they will give particular attention to details, highlighting any personal characteristic that may be helpful for understanding the young. This work will also help the work team in the preparations of the first hosting phase ( the welcome), so that the first and delicate phase of environment can be precisely calibrated to the person.
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: The volunteer has an active role, collaborating with the different people in charge of the various activities of the organization. In the initial period, the volunteer assists the staff. Then, with the support of the staff she will evolve from a supporting role to a more active role with the possibility to suggest her own ideas and actions to contribute to existing activities. According to the possibilities and needs as well as her wishes, the volunteer will carry out a personal project. We believe that the success of the whole experience depends a lot on the volunteer’s sense of initiative and creativity. The general theme of the project is volunteering as an expression of active citizenship:
The volunteers will be involved in the area: activities with disable people at the centre. Concretely, the volunteer will take part in activities that may be:
1. Organization: in the centre the volunteer will have the opportunity to experience some of the many initiatives that take place there: art, motor, rehabilitative, therapeutic workshops with disable people. The volunteer may act directly in practical artistic activities (laboratories of handworks, clay, creation of bonbonnieres, recycled paper, painting, flower arrangement, loom...), in physical activities (gym, swimming pool, pancafit, dance...), in expressing activities (tale laboratory, vegetable garden therapy, music and theatre workshop, sound beam laboratory¡K), in cognitive activities (picture story laboratory, multimedia laboratory, periodic newspaper of the structure...), in occupational therapy activities (small assembly, maintenance of gardens, little fruits growing, catering...).
The project proposes innovative activities that use various methods to achieve the goal of social inclusion with particular attention to European awareness. We intend to implement a project in which the volunteer can freely express her ability in terms of solidarity and spirited of initiative

2. Personal project: at the end of its service, the volunteers have the opportunity to build its own project that refers to one or more areas of the activity followed during the service. The project will be thought and produced in collaboration with volunteers and professionals of known organizations. As personal project, to create contacts with similar organization which deal with the same issues in their country the volunteers could help to know the associations / organizations dealing with the same themes in their countries, they could encourage the creation of international partnerships, rather than organizing public meetings, creating tools for the dissemination and promotion of results

Horário: Working hours and days off: the volunteer works 5 days a week (approximately 6 hours a day) and weekends off. This schedule includes the language course in a local centre for adult education. Should any activity take place during the weekend, the volunteer can take her free days during the following week. Besides, the volunteer has the right to take approximately 2 days of holiday. She should agree with her supervisor as to when to take them.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês

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