Data de início: 01-09-2011
Data de fim: 01-09-2012
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 21-03-2011
Financiamento: Candidatura
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 125 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The hosting centre is situated in Haute Saintonge area and more precisely in the town of Montendre where around 3200 inhabitants live. The municipality and the local councillors organise for 10 years some activities welcoming young Europeans and is strongly involved in the associative life and interested by international dynamic. Nearly 60 associations exist in the town of Montendre. These ones are places of citizen expression mainly hold by local volunteer's involvement. They allow the education to life in society and to educate to citizenship. The organisations have a big place in the town and are the support of a lot of actions which are taking place here. In a rural context, the main economic activity is the production of pineau and cognac. Moreover for several years the countryside tourism, thanks to the proximity of the ocean, (70km) has improved. Relatively hilly for the region, the landscape is nice and covered with pine trees. The population of this area is rather from the working class but there are more and more people working in Bordeaux (the 6th biggest French city) that settle in this canton. Montendre is located at the edge of a forest massif. It is a continuation of the forest of Massif Central. A part of the canton is in the same situation however up North of Montendre the landscapes are much more touch by agricultural activity. For several years, La Maison des Bateleurs has chosen to orientate its priorities toward environment in order, to make it self progressively recognized at the local level as a alternative and experimental place in the field of sustainable development. Indeed we want to be in cohesion with the respect of our planet in our daily life (consummation/management of water and energy, responsible feeding, waste management...) In parallel, La Maison des Bateleurs is a hosting centre for groups such as groups of disadvantaged young people (social centre, association specialised in prevention...), groups of local young people (leisure enters) but also training groups (animation training,…). Moreover, we are actively involved at the level of local development through activities run in partnership with associative network. Each of the inhabitant of the hosting centre is lead to work with the associations and the institutions present around (extracurricular workshops, going in highschools, etc.). Each year we take part in the organisation of cultural, artistic and festives events such as the "festival de la terre" (the earth festival) organised in the town. During the summer time, the association organises volunteers workcamps in the region. Generally, these activities are organised in projects of three weeks and take place in some villages of the area. These workcamps can be the renovation or restoration of local heritage (old well, ancient wash house...), the promotion of local cultural heritage (rebuilding the historical memory and cultural identity through the realisation of documentary, exhibition...), the protection of the environment ( to clean the banks of a river...), the organisation of cultural and artistic events ( organisation of a festival...). One of the interests of the workcamps is to put in contact people coming from all over the world with people from the local community, living mostly in rural area with few contacts with the international. For the host volunteers within our organisation, they have the possibility to become in their turn camp leader of international workcamps during the summer.
Perfil: La Maison des Bateleurs hosts all kind of person in the respect of its values of social equity. Our will is to allow each host volunteer to develop competences but also to transmit his knowledge to others. One of the main values is the recognition of each individual within a group, in order that he can develop himself on the personal level in the respect and the consideration of the other. Our will is to build a collective project that is to show that with cultural differences of each others we can live together and do something constructive. It participates to the promotion of tolerance and respect values of human beings beyond all political and ideological differences. A mixed group from 6 to 7 volunteers minimum lives permanently at the host venue, in this way they have the possibility to meet, to confront, to built projects together with their cultural and personal differences. The associative project of La Maison des Bateleurs allows the volunteers to learn how to make compromise in order to build something together and to live collectively. It is a way to apprehend democracy.
Tarefas: The role of the volunteer is to give a European/international as well as voluntary and dynamic dimension to local projects in order to mobilise the local population and to make them become actors of the communal life. - The host volunteer comes with the will to share a collective life (preparation of the meal, washing up the dishes, cleaning of the house…) but also to do workcamps with the objective to train himself like to learn manual techniques, a foreign language, as well as a will to take responsibilities at different levels and to explore creative and artistic activities… The volunteer takes part in the development of associative project. Moreover the volunteer gets the opportunity if he is willing to, to develop a personal project which fits in the context and the collective project of the organisation. It is important for him to evaluate his interests, his objectives, his limits as well as what he still needs to accomplish to reach his goals. This approach is a recurrent tool of our philosophy aiming to concretely build peace through responsibilization and supporting the independence for an active citizenship. The activities organized with the volunteers are mainly workcamps and activities of local development around artistic projects. A lot of the organised activities take place at La Maison des Bateleurs but some are also organised in Montendre, in the neighbouring towns or with others associations. The rhythm of a month includes technical acquisitions on renovation projects (masonry, carpentry, woodwork…) or on educational projects about sustainable development (organic garden, green building, etc.). The participation or the development of various activities such as French courses, artistic, musical workshops according to the propositions and the competences of each of the inhabitant of the hosting centre and of people who intervenes in it. Exemplification week: FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 07:45am - 08:15am : breakfast 08:15am - 08:45am : collective cleaning of the house 09:00am - 10:30am : workcamps 10:30am - 11:00am : break 11:00am - 12:45am : workcamps 01:00pm - 03:00pm : lunch and cleaning 03:00pm - 05:30pm : cultural, artistic, sportive, linguistic activities 07:30pm : diner - Saturdays and Sundays will be dedicated to the discovery of the region, French culture and occasionally to host some groups and/or cultural events. During their stay at la Maison des Bateleurs and with the support of the other volunteers and the supervising team, the volunteer is involved in : " animation of the hosting and meeting centre whose main thematic are intercultural exchange, citizenship and environment; " participation in animation and local development of the region by working in cooperation with local authority and structures of animation and education (leisure centre, youth clubs, highschools…); " supporting the projects of the municipalities or organisations, especially in the frame of the international workcamps. " Mobilization and hosting persons in situation of difficulty in their social and professional inclusion steps.
Documentação: CV e Carta de Motivação