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Data de início: 01-09-2013

Data de fim: 30-06-2014

Vagas: 1

Duração: 10 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 02-05-2013

Esta vaga está reservada a voluntários portugueses

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: In our project the EVS volunteers have the opportunity to develop themselves personally, achieve useful professional competences, they can improve various aspects of the local community, while being actively involved in volunteering projects initiated by them.

As EVS volunteers you will receive training in the following areas:
 non-formal education methods,
 volunteering project management,
 Romanian Language courses,
 job searching techniques (how to design a successfull CV and ML, how to prepare for a job Interview)

Perfil: - be willing to make a change in your life and your mentality,
- make the effort to adapt and live in a completely new multicultural community,
- to finalize your volunteer projects despite the difficulties,
- age: 18 until 30 years old

Tarefas: o They will organize 4 public debates for youngsters on problematical themes which they have in 4 domains : job/employment, how does volunteering help in getting a job, how do the youngsters from Braila participate in public decisions, the mobility and civic values of the European youngsters.

o They will organize 4 events of the “public café ” type to bring about the conversation between youngsters and the local’s community stakeholders (which have decisional and executive local authority, responsible for the young).The theme will be: What do they do to respect the European citizens rights of the youngsters to: be informed, be consulted when decisions and initiatives regarding them are taken, to associate themselves in youngsters’ ONG(the financing law from the local councils), the right of free speech.

o They will initiate and begin 4 volunteering projects in the local community involving along them youngsters from the community. The volunteers will pass through all stages of the project: identifying the problem, making the concept of the project ( writing the project), planning, organizing, implementation and evaluation of the project.

o They will hold formation sessions for youngsters about how to write a CV europass, a letter or motivation for success and how to prepare themselves for a job interview: in formal education institutions ( post-secondary schools, high schools, universities). They will use non formal methods of education: theater forum, Living library, ice-breaking games, get-to-know games, brainstorming, practical applications in teams.

Horário: The volunteers together with the project coordinator will agree about the working hours and a weekly schedule. The amount of volunteering should not exceed 30 hours per week: 6 hours per day, 5 days per week, two consecutive days off per week and 2 days holiday per month for the duration of the project

Condições: Accommodation:
Volunteers are going to be ensured with separate flat in a block of flats. Each volunteer will have her/his own room. They will be provided with a standard equipment/ essential household goods, shared cooking, washing, laundry and social facilities. They are responsible for cleaning their own room and the commun space in the flat: kichen, bathrooms, hall.

The volunteers work 5 days a week. For every month of work each of them can get two extra days free. They can accumulate the days and take longer holidays. Nevertheless, they have to obtain the agreement regarding the dates from the Host Organisation.

Formação: As EVS volunteers you will receive training in the following areas:

 volunteering project management,
 Romanian Language courses,
 job searching techniques (how to design a successfull CV and ML, how to prepare for a job Interview)
 Advocacy thechniques: Public debates and Public Cafe

Documentação: CV e carta de motivação em inglês

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