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Data de início: 01-09-2014

Data de fim: 01-09-2015

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-02-2014

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 125 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Grand port maritime et ville de commerce, n'a jamais cessé d'être une ville d'échanges et de transit. Aujourd'hui devenue la capitale mondiale du vin, le pôle économique du Sud-Ouest français, la porte de la péninsule ibérique et une grande cité étudiante et touristique, la ville se place au cœur d'un réseau de transports dense et diversifié. La complémentarité des transports est également la carte maîtresse du nouveau plan de déplacements urbains de la Communauté urbaine. Un plan qui rééquilibre le partage de la voie publique entre piétons, cyclistes, automobilistes et usagers de transports en commun en favorisant les déplacements alternatifs et le stationnement en parkings, réservant la circulation automobile en centre ville aux riverains et aux visiteurs.

Le village affiche un taux de croissance plus de deux fois supérieur à la moyenne nationale. 10 000 personnes y emménagent chaque année. La ville se redessine autour d'un grand projet urbain qui rend à ses habitants le plaisir de vivre en ville et crée les conditions d'un nouveau développement économique, social et culturel collectif. Grande ville d'histoire et de négoce, le village bénéficie à la fois d'un patrimoine architectural époustouflant et de cette convivialité propre aux cités commerçantes. Ville d'échanges par nature autant que par héritage,le village se veut largement ouverte sur le monde.

Membre du réseau Eurocités qui réunit plus de 100 grandes villes d'Europe autour de l'échange d'expérience, partenaire de dix-huit villes dans le monde, le village joue la carte de l'intermodalité et des grands équipements pour mettre le monde à proximité. Le TGV Atlantique qui met le village à 3 heures de Paris, l'aéroport international, le Port autonome et le développement du réseau autoroutier lui procurent une large ouverture sur le monde.

Perfil: Three axes will be offered to the EVS: communication, organization of events and testimony.

• Newsletter
The volunteer will participate in the preparation of the monthly newsletter built in different parts:
- Activities of the organization,
- Activities of our European partners,
- Actions and investments by the European Union in Aquitaine
- Interview with a European personality.
The volunteer will assist in the process of investigation, research of elements about the European actuality and proposal of contents (figures, programs ...) to carry out this line of communication.
• Web and social networks
The volunteer will participate in the feeding and updating social networks every day.
• Creation of teaching materials
The volunteer will be invited to contribute and make proposals for the development of educational tools of the organization

Theorganization organizes numerous events intended for a diverse audience. The volunteer will support us in the logistics of these events, namely:
- Once per month, a cultural event dedicated to a European country
- Two wednesday afternoon to raise awareness of European cultural diversity for children.
- Conferences
- The Europe Day (events during a week)
- European theater

The volunteer will assist in the selection of topics, relations with stakeholders, the logistics, communication of these events, for which he will be asked to participate (especially during the European theater if desired).


As part of European training and public relations, the volunteer will be asked to share his experience, his views, as a recipient of the "Youth in Action".

4-Personal Project
A half-day per week will be devoted to developing personal project of the volunteer. The team of the organization will assist and accompany the reflection, the development, design tools and the realization of this project.
In agreement with the volunteer, 3 hours per week will be dedicated to language support even more depending on the level and objectives of the volunteer.
Profile of the volunteer:
The organization is seeking a volunteer:
- Dynamics
- Sociable
- Adaptable
- Prone to work with children
- Taste and communication skills and the Internet

Tarefas: -Monday 9:30 to 12:30 / 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: Language support – Actuality in Europe
Tuesday 9:30 to 12:30 / 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: Open to the public and school groups - Preparation for the European Cultural Evening
Wednesday 9:30 to 12:30 / 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: Guidance, participation or preparation afternoons European cultural
Thursday 9:30 to 12:30 / 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: Production of fact sheets and teaching on Europe to the public;
Friday 9:30 to 12:30: Open to the public. - Personal project
- Learn about Europe, to better understand its complexity, to progress in thinking about its history, its contributions, policies, programs and community provisions.
- Imagine, create and distribute educational materials to institutions, symbols, rights and duties of citizens,
- Participate in ensuring easy access to many library resources, discuss issues from different angles during panel discussions or café debates, exhibitions, here are the activities in which volunteers will be involved in the organization
- The role of volunteers will be the active participation and support in the conduct of activities of the organization. Volunteering is an activity that also promotes personal growth and strengthens social bonds.
- Logistical support to the events of the organization.

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês ou Francês

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