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Data de início: 01-09-2014

Data de fim: 01-09-2015

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-02-2014

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: " Outline the project environment for the suggested voluntary activities, including the local community where the project will take place (e.g. geographical, social and economical environment).
" If the host placement is located in a live-in community, please include the rules and conditions that apply also for the volunteer.

The province of Milan, which is formed by 188 municipalities, is at the centre of one of the most heavily populated regions of Europe. Almost 4 million people, representing 6,5% the nation population and 41% of the regional population, over an area below 2000 sq. kilometres, (1893,44 inhab. per sq km).
The province of Milan is the largest metropolitan area including town and suburbs. The Province is populated by 2063 school of various degrees, from kindergartens to elementary and high schools.
The presence of foreign citizens, arriving from countries where emigration is a necessity, reaches a presence in schools of 300,000 regular students, with a school population quickly expanding, especially is some urban and metropolitan areas. Hence the strong necessity of integration.

The EVS hosting project will be part of the general activity of Peace promotion to be carried out on this territory from the association, in co-operation with other realities of the Italian civil society and institutions like Municipalities, Universities, Associations.

Such activities aim at creating awareness in the population on the big issues of Peace, alternatives to conflicts and wars. It should favour a development of conscience , both individual and collective, that, starting from interpersonal relationships based on solidarity and nonviolence , will finalise a Peace programme on the area. It should be practicable and shared.
In detail, the physical areas where the project will take place are those of Milan and its Province,
in the office of the association, situated in a neighbourhood south-east of the city, with a high percentage of immigrant inhabitants,
in the different venues of realisation of the different projects: elementary/middle/secondary schools in the city or in the Province, offices of NGO parter of the association, etc.

The hosting organization is an association formed by associations, and it is composed by 5 associations that share goals and methodologies in working on the theme of PEACE

The association's office is then crossed by all these associations, that have no daily fixed presence, but weekly meetings, and that inside the same office plan and structure activities, events, meetings, initiatives, and so on.

The association's office is thereby full of life and covered by the different subjects that compose the association, but it's not the venue where all the activities will be realized; in fact the office has mainly a meeting function for the associations, and it is the venue where training and planning stage of activities will take place (activities that will be held in other locations, such as schools, other NGO offices, etc).
The opening time of the office is not fixed, it changes according to the activities and projects that are being implemented in the different periods and from the division of work between EVS volunteers, eventual SCN volunteers (from the Italian National Civil Service), and other collaborators, that will all agree on which days and hours they will guarantee the constant opening of the office, that will not be less than 3 mornings (from 9:00 to 13:00) and 4 afternoons (from 14:00 to 19:00).

The association counts around a hundreds of members, and 15 of them are frequently and with unsettled timetables in the office of the association: the people directly involved in the EVS hosting activities, and that will share with them most of time are SCN volunteers,3 collaborators,the mentor.

Accommodation: EVS volunteers will be hosted in apartment, just for the 2 of them, easily connected by the underground to the association's office and to the rest of the city; they will share one big room divided by a fake wall, with 2 single beds and space enough to live some privacy.

Food: EVS volunteers will receive a monthly amount of money for food expenses; they will be self-governing the budget and will find every tool they need to cook in the kitchen.
Transportations: EVS volunteers will receive a monthly pass for the urban public transportation.

Venues and timetables: activities implemented by the association requires flexibility, since both venues and timetables of realization of the projects are variable, according to the periods and the activity itself.
Volunteers will not work more than 30-35 hours a week and working days are normally from monday to friday; sometimes it could be needed from the volunteers to work during week-ends, but in that case they will take their 2 free days before or after).

The entire formative experience of every human being is constantly crossed by the presence of the Other. Starting a relationship with the Other means to contact another identity; and it is this diversity, embodied in the Other by our society, that generates conflicts, that originates a crisis in the normal activity of the system, that conditions in a visible way the bringing up and the formation of each individual, especially if they are children or teenagers. On these basis, the organiazation worked out the entire EVS hosting project, and the formative path of the volunteers towards their personal and professional growth.


A) First welcome and training:
" first meeting (project presentation, introduction of the volunteers, project responsible, mentor and all other members)
" sharing of the training plan
" organisation and realisation of training schedule
" final evaluation of the level achieved by volunteers through the training and verification of their knowledge of the topics suggested in the training days. Further planning of in-depth sessions for the first month of the second session

B) Inserting volunteers into daily activities:
" spotting and planning the specific area of intervention of each volunteer;
" sharing of the role and function played by each volunteer (synergistically with the project responsible);
" constant support of EVS volunteers; the project responsible will support them during their operative inserting path into the association, during their learning procedure of the relations existing between all the subjects involved in the realisation of the project, and the working procedures (including the volunteers in the process of planning actively their own EVS project). For the description of the activities where that EVS will assist the rest of the staff, please read the description in PHASE II°;
" cataloguing new books in the association's library, and managing the inscriptions, etc;
" updating the informative notice board about conflicts in the world, military expanses, etc;
" preparing text and graphic for leaflets promoting the association;
" risk prevention, analysis of critic situations or processes in the project and in the scheduled activities for EVS volunteers, and formulation of prevention measures and reactions in case of emergency.


Starting from the second phase of the project, volunteers will have the opportunity to go in-depth with their specific training; on-the-field they will be taking part in all the activities and actions that organization will promote to support peace. We want to remind that EVS volunteers are not obliged to take part to every activity here described: according to the association's needs, the linguistic competencies and confidence, to the personal interest and bents, EVS volunteers will take part to some of the following activities:

" Workshops on NONVIOLENT SOLUTION OF CONFLICTS to be held into high-schools
EVS volunteers will be taking part as listening participants in workshop on nonviolet solution of conflicts, guided by one or two association's members, and planned during the I° PHASE; then will be engaged in the organisation of formative workshops for groups of young people, or students' classes in middle schools and high-schools. This organizative part will include:
- advertising the activity
- secretary, managing contacts with the trainers, logistics
- preparing didactic materials.
Each workshop will involve approximately 30 students, usually during the morning, and the association foresees to realise around 10 workshops made by 3/4 meetings each during 12 months. We think it is important to make clear that EVS volunteers will not be leading alone any of these workshops, because they will always be assisting a professional trainer (between the association's members); we believe that their simple presence and observation in these workshops can help them growing and developing skills that will be useful in their future.

In this last period, the association and EVS volunteers will evaluate the whole project; it consists in writing a final report that describes which goals have been reached, and that allows to see on a global level the activities that volunteers realized (events, materials, services, etc) and their satisfaction degree (strong and weak points in the management of volunteers and in the coordinating activities).

Following the guide lines of the Youth in Action Programme, volunteers will work for a maximum of 30-35 hours a week (including language course and the whole formation). They could be asked to work in the week-end, but will always have 2days together the association would like to host 2 volunteers together, in the same period, because we believe it is a good number to integrate with other volunteers and workers/members. We look for people that have a strong motivation to work in the youth field, and should share our association's mission and goals; volunteers should be willing to integrate within the association, and its staff. They should be flexible and tolerant, able to communicate and work in a group; they should be able to accept special needs of disadvantaged people and be patient.

EVS volunteers will work close to National Civil Service volunteers, members and with the president of the organization, and their role will corrispond to the same specifics that define the role of any other volunteer in our association (autonomy, indipendence, flexibility and relational abilities).

Perfil:  be open to challenge yourself and to new opinions,
 be open to learn new things,
 be open to share your cultural background, life experience, and opinions,
 interest in learning together with Casa per la Pace about non-violence, non-violent
solution of conflicts, etc.,
 ask for help when needed,
 give feedbacks to the organisation,
 be clear on your own motivation and personal goals during the EVS year in Casa
per la Pace,
 live this EVS year as a growing opportunity on several aspects: professional, personal,
human, relational; helping defining priorities or goals in your life.

Age: 18 until 30 years old

Tarefas: Description of a possible day during the I° PHASE:
09:00 - 13:00 meeting with EVS volunteers, collaborators, eventual SCN volunteers (Italian National Civil Service) to plan the day and the week;
division of roles;
EVS volunteers will assist to the different activities;
activities that EVS volunteers can do in autonomy (such as managing the library, the notice board, preparing leaflets, etc)
13:00 - 15:00 lunch (association's office has a microwave, a fridge, dishes, glasses, cutlery, and a comfortable and big space to eat)
15:00 - 17:00 meetings with members of the association to plan together with EVS volunteers the activities to be realised in the II° PHASE of their project (described afterwards), such as
formative workshops to propose to schools,
opening and guiding to the exhibition "We are the Other",
18:00 - 20:00 Italian language courses.

Description of a possible working day during the II° PHASE:
09:00 - 13:00 observation and participation to the exhibition "We are the Other" together with eventual SCN voluneers and the association's trainers (members), most probably into a school
13:00 - 15:00 lunch
15:00 - 18:00 research and preparation of the info-pack for the meeting "Forgotten wars";
"Pensatoio", a moment to discuss together with eventual SCN volunteers, other members and collaborators of the association, about conflicts that we live daily, to analise them starting from their basics.

Formação: All the activities in Casa per la Pace requires the knowledge of Italian language: in the first months the volunteer will have to put lot of effort in learning the language, and patience in accepting the time needed to get a basic level that allows understanding.

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês

Download: 3273 - Questionnaire EVS candidate.doc

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