Data de início: 01-08-2013
Data de fim: 30-04-2014
Vagas: 3
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-02-2013
Esta vaga está reservada a voluntários portugueses
Financiamento: Candidatura
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: This EVS vancacy is a dynamic and challenging project that addresses all young people, regardless of gender, religion, social or educational background.
The project is to be hosted in three different placements:
1. EVS on Social Involvement
2. EVS also on Social Involvement
3. EVS on Active Citizenship and Participation
Perfil: - aged 18 – 30,
- regardless of religion, social status, education or nationality - basic English proficiency
- open towards working with children
- open towards working with mental disabilities
- open towards working with mental elderly
- be open minded , flexible and tolerant.
Tarefas: 1. EVS on Social Involvement and Social Awareness
The volunteers will be working with other youngsters and raise their social awareness and social involvement.
Together with them they will be involved in various activities in centers for children with disabilities.
The volunteer will work with the following social categories: children with mental disabilities – they study in a special School Centre for inclusive education, children coming from disorganized families, children from daycare centers and youngsters from the hosting community that are willing and open towards volunteer activities with the target group. The volunteers will employ in their actions various non formal activities (games, sports, workshops) as well as discussions, listening. In the School Centre for inclusive education the volunteers will act as teachers assistants in classes, in the daycentre they will help children with homework, etc.
2. Active European Citizenship and Rural Development
The volunteers will be working with youngsters from the hosting and neighboring communities and will develop and implement various non formal activities (sports, cultural workshops, music and dances, green activities, etc)
In the hosting communities the volunteers will develop and implement extra- curricular activities for the children and pupils from the kindergarten, primary school, general school, High School and Pupils Club. Some of these activities can be:
-Language workshops (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, etc);
-Presentations on: equal rights, democracy, European institutions, etc;
-Workshops on photography; Another important direction is that of empowering the Students Council. In all the schools such Councils exist. The main problem
3. Social Involvement and Social Awareness
The volunteer can work with the following social categories: elderly citizens institutionalized in special centers (some of them don’t have families), elderly citizens that are not institutionalized ( senior citizens club with fixed hours where they can come and socialize) and youngsters from the hosting community that are willing and open towards volunteer activities with elderly.
The volunteers will employ in their actions various non formal activities (games, sports, workshops) as well as discussions, listening, helping the elderly ( bringing them food, walking with them, etc)
Documentação: CV e carta de motivação em inglês