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Data de início: 01-09-2011

Data de fim: 01-07-2012

Vagas: 1

Duração: 10 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 15-03-2011

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (TOG) is established in December 2002 as a youth NGO. In 2010, TOG has reached 23.880 project volunteers and 794 projects have been implemented by young community volunteers that are the members of 94 TOG youth organizations (mostly organized by university student clubs) and reached out 235.349 people. TOG has 2 Youth Centers in İstanbul and Samsun and 3 Coordination Centers in Diyarbakır, Ankara and İzmir. Not only spreading volunteerism amongst young people, TOG also fosters the principles as respect to differences, accountability, transparency, team work and participation of young people.

Tarefas: "The EVS volunteers will take part in trainings, meetings, seminars, fairs telling about the programme and european citizenship. Language and Culture Days will be organized by the EVS volunteers with the support of local volunteers and staff of TOG.Daily Tasks: Updating the web site, panos in the youth center Introduction of Ýðne Deliði for new coming local volunteers Helping the staff of Ýðne Deliði:Starting Period (from 1st to 3rd month):In the starting period of EVS term, the volunteers will be provided an orientation programme which will help them to learn turkish language, participate in the cultural integration, get to know about Ýðne Deliði Youth Center, the staff and activities, taking contact with the working team.Second Period (from 3rd month):After the starting period, the EVS will happen around following activities; n Ýðne Deliði:the EVS volunteers will have an oppurtunity of :taking/giving free-of-charge courses -mostly peer to peer- in different fields such as music ( violin,guitar and batery ) , information technologies, dance, handcrafts, teatre, latin dances,folk dances, languages etc; getting/giving free-of-charges trainings-mostly peer to peer- such as democrasy, campaign, struggling against discrimination and prejudices, health literacy, democrasy and human rights, youth and social rights,advocacy,protective sexual health etc; taking/doing free-of-charges workshops -mostly peer to peer- such as social gender, anti-homofobia, languages and cultures , photography etc.;taking part in organization teams of events such as teatre, exhibitions, panels and discussions, movie days, legal consultancy days, the international day of languages,etc.
All these above are planned and run with the cooperation of the professionals of Ýðne Deliði and young volunteers. Every month, more than 40 projects (some are routin projects) have been running by the young volunteers in Samsun.The EVS volunteers will feel free for creating their own workshops/projects/activities/trainings and courses as much as participating in those currently run.

Documentação: CV e Carta de Motivação

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