Reino Unido
Data de início: 04-06-2013
Data de fim: 01-12-2013
Vagas: 1
Duração: 6 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 11-12-2012
Financiamento: Candidatura
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 150 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The Mobile Youth Hubs provide a flexible resource to serve all the different communities within Kirklees. Kirklees has a diverse culture make-up and is made up or urban, semi-rural and rural areas. Roughly 410,000 people live in Kirklees, 18.1% of who are between 5-19years old.
The Mobile Unit programme seeks to respond to the varied challenges facing young people in Kirklees. We also do issue based work according to the expressed needs of young people these might include, sexual health, drugs and alcohol, job seeking, intergenerational work - just to name a few. We are also committed to promoting community cohesion at every opportunity through celebration events international activities project work through informal and non formal learning.
Locations will vary according to the Mobile Hub programme but the Hub although Mobile aims to be committed and consistant for the young people we engage in Kirklees in order to build up trust, rapport and ownership of the service.
We will work closely with Let’s Go to ensure a number of approaches are used to promote, market and monitor our programme of work in order to reach out as widely as possible so that the recruitment process is inclusive and accessible but with an emphasis placed on offering placements to vulnerable young people e.g. long term unemployed and other disadvantaged and under-represented groups from diverse backgrounds. We will also ensure there is a gender balance to ensure fair representation and equality of opportunity throughout the process.
Tarefas: • Promoting and contributing to community cohesion activities
• Learning how to evaluate to assess whether the objectives of the project have been achieved
• Gain a greater understanding of other cultures but also have opportunities to share their own culture with young people
• Developing activities and resources for young people, alongside YouthWorkers
• Delivering Issue based projects (tackling issues such as sexual Helath, Careers, Drugs and Alcohol)
The volunteer will gain exposure to new experiences and have a greater understanding of other cultures but will also be encouraged to share their knowledge, skills and understanding e.g. sharing her/his own culture to bring a new international dimension which will benefit the young people s/he meets.
Learning will also include teamwork, time management, develop skills linked to planning promoting delivering and evaluating youth work projects . Young people are involved in the design delivery and evaluation of projects leading to accreditation in many cases. Volunteers may also have the opportunity to access service training and will be given developmental and supportive supervision.
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês