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Data de início: 06-09-2012

Data de fim: 05-06-2013

Vagas: 2

Duração: 9 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 28-04-2012

Esta vaga está reservada a voluntários portugueses

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: "Cooperativa Bucaneve was founded in 1983 in Castel Goffredo by some families needing a support for their disabled children, with the help of some volunteers. in more than 20 years we have offered our services to more than 100 people, in accordance with families, Municipalities and the Local Health Authority
The Cooperative is based on the principles of the international Cooperative Movement, such as mutuality, solidarity, fair distribution of money and democracy, in order to build up a new economy. According to these principles, the cooperative services are in the field of Human, Moral, Cultural and Professional qualification in order to improve the Social and Working conditions of people in a state of need and exclusion.
The Cooperative intends to achieve its aims through information activities and awareness campaigns about the themes of disability. We also run medical, welfare related and educational services addressed in particular to disabled people.
Families, volunteers, and professionals in the field of disadvantage, disability and exclusion collaborate at Bucaneve.
We have recently moved to the new Centre Bucaneve, a modern structure planned and built according to the European standards to give autonomy and independence to adult disable people. It is conceived as an integral part of the town, with arcades, a shop and a coffee corner giving onto the street. Inside there are different spaces and services, in the form of modular units and accessible by the territory: gym, private practice, computers room, workshops.
Our new Centre can offer customised responses, through both day service and assisted-living facility, to 45-50 people with disability, and has become a reference point for 15-20 people more in need of rehabilitation, or family support, job training and guidance paths towards an independence life, socializing and free time, culture and sport activities, social and educational support, self-help groups. The family association and the disable people themselves actively participated in the design of the new centre and are directly involved in its management.
Our activities aim not only at satisfying the users’ primary needs (board and lodging, etc..) but also at meeting their need for affection, through relationships based on friendship and confidence among the users and with the educators; we also intend to respond to their social needs through leisure time and integration activities also open to the territory.
Inside the Centre we want to guarantee a familiar and friendly atmosphere that allow our users to feel comfortable, free to express themselves. In this way they can improve their self confidence, that often hinder them communicate with the others because of their pathologies
There are 2 types of target users: those who attend day activities and those who live in the Centre, even carrying out external activities.
The total staffs consist of 30 employees and collaborators.


Perfil: We are open to both male and female volunteers, in the age limits established by the programme.

The selection of volunteers will be mainly based on the motivation, interest and understanding they show about the project and linked issues.

Important elements are considered also previous voluntarism experiences, flexibility and willingness to adapt to possible hitches and the respect for the community rules.

Moreover having a driving licence could be very useful for the volunteers, since the public transportation in Castel Goffredo is very poor. We will also take into account the professionalism and accessibility shown by the sending organisation on the basis of the contextual presentation of volunteers or of past collaborations, as well as the support and training they ensure before departure to them.

The co-ordinating organisation will guarantee that the recruiting process reflect the general openness of EVS and the spirit of the Youth in Action Programme and assure transparency.

Tarefas: Volunteers will be involved in all activities of the Day Centre. In general their role will be supporting the users during:

-Workshops: every volunteer will help the assistants in the activities they carry out, such as: Psychomotor therapy, art / music therapy, cookery workshops, following a weekly schedule.

-Excursions and special events: During excursions, trips, spring day, folk fairs, art competitions, etc. also proposed by the local community; the volunteers’ role will consist in planning together with the staff, in order to make the disabled participation to the events more active and constructive, and organising the activities (i.e. preparing stands, taking care of the expositions of the products made in the workshops, etc.)

-Summer camps: There are also regularly organised (at the seaside usually), where their tasks consist in helping the educators in the support related to the users’ needs (dressing, eating, using wheel-chairs, etc.) and during the leisure activities planned during the vacation.

-Volunteers will also help the educators during daily moments with the users; which means also supervision during their meals and personal hygiene.

Horário: "There are 30 working hours per week, including meetings with referent person and mentor, training, and supervision at the coordinating organisation. EVS volunteers usually work from Monday to Friday but we ask for flexibility especially when they support activities addressed to the users who live in the centre. In case they participate in the summer camps, the working time does not exceed 35 hours per week, and they can get back the possible extra hours when they go back.
A more detailed programme is customised together with volunteers and sending organisations, according to their educational background and experience, respecting their personal interests and specific skills, with all respect to the present project.

Documentação: CV, formulario de inscrição e Carta de Motivação

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