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Data de início: 03-09-2012

Data de fim: 31-08-2013

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 22-04-2012

Esta vaga está reservada a voluntários portugueses

Financiamento: Reprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: CCPL, Confederation of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg (non-profit organization), was founded in May 25, 1991 at the 1st Congress of Portuguese Associations of Luxembourg. Our Confederation represents more than 60 Portuguese associations existing all over the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and represents the majority of the Portuguese people living in this country. This entity was created in order to centralize the various and multiple activities of the Portuguese community. This, in the perspective of becoming a privileged partner both of Luxemburgish and Portuguese Authorities in order to facilitate and to enhance the social and cultural activities of the biggest migrant community living in Luxembourg. The members of CCPL are: federations and associations or organizations of a voluntary, legally constituted, in business, having their headquarters in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, where the majority of the members are of Portuguese origin; individually, Portuguese representatives of the National Council for Immigration and Foreigners' Consultative Committees.

CCPL’s objectives are: 1. Congregate the action of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg, debating, defining and defending their collective interests; 2. To promote the harmonious integration of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg, with full equality of rights and, in particular, entitled to the conservation and development of Portuguese culture and language; 3. To become a central platform as spokesperson of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg with the Luxembourgish and Portuguese authorities; 4. To foster contacts and collaboration between all the components of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg and the Luxembourg society; 5. To promote coordination, information, training and assistance to affiliated organizations in the social, cultural, educational, recreational and sports; 6. Fight all forms of racism, xenophobia and gender inequality.

Our regular activities: - Promote and organise cultural activities, such as movie festivals, art expositions and another cultural manifestations; - Organize language courses (in Luxembourgish, French and Portuguese), to help the migrant integration; - Developing several Information Technologies courses for the general population; - Publish a quarterly newsletter for Portuguese Associations, Consultative Commission for Foreign members and also for young people movements and general population; - Research Portuguese and Luxemburgish community information to enrich our site, a good tool to inform and to form; - Organize workshops with children from every nationality; - Organize theatre workshops for young people and adults; - Organize social, cultural and sportive activities for the elderly; - Develop one public and multilingual library with a special programme «reading workshops» and relatind all questions about emigration. Our target groups for the EVS Projects are: Children and Youngsters and the Elderly.
The contact with the Portuguese Associations in Luxembourg is also one of the topics that can be developed by the EVS Volunteers, notwithstanding the fact they may develop their own fields of work using their skills and creativity bringing the added value we seek with the European Voluntary Service.

This is our motivation to increase society active participation. One of the most priorities of Youth in Action's program is to encourage young people to think about Europeans themes, involve them in discussions about European Union's construction and encourage them to play an active role in their communities.

In this base, we want give everyone the opportunity to express their ideas, considering cultural differences as an added value.

Perfil: The mother language, English and French, are appreciated because they will know and comunicate with people having diferent origin; but there is no firm imposition about a language the EVS Volunteer should or must have. They will also receive a language traning in one of the official languages in Luxembourg.

Great motivation to collaborate in different activities, related with their personal education;

Open-mindedness to the activities to be carried out;

Interest in intercultural activities;

Ability to approach to all kind of persons: children, teenagers, elderly;

Communication skills;

Candidates with appetence, interest and motivation to learn about other cultures;

Digital competences are not impose because during the EVS projet we will provide them several training (editing video, updating website, creating blog…).

Tarefas: The volunteers will have different role and tasks over the 12 months.
They will have a preparation phase with internal training and also a monitoring device to evaluate their personal development. They will learn more about media, as to create newsletters, update web pages, flyers, to be on program radio, etc.

On the first phase they will help the associations from our network how to use the media and publicize their work. But also they will collaborate with our partners associations like Maison des Associations, Peru-Luxembourg Cultural Institut, African Women Movement and others.

The volunteers will be responsibles to collect all information about our portuguese associations in Luxembourg and other partner association, publish and monitor the information in CCPL`s website. They will advertise all news, such as events or new projects and collaborate with these associations in events and projects organisation.

They will give ideas to improve the associations and support the implementation of these ideas. The objective is to motivate the associations` members and portuguese community in Luxembourg and to make them aware of the importance of voluntary and associative movement.

After they receive the training the volunteers will organize with the support of the boarding direction members different digital workshops for different target groups (children, seniors…).

Horário: The volunteers will develop theirs activities 7 hours per day, from Monday to Friday, with 24 days off (2 days/month). They will receive from the hosting organisation money for food and pocket money to spend as they want. The hosting organisation will be also responsible for the accomodation and local transport (jumbo card).

Condições: Working together in this project will allow them to learn new professional skills and knowledge, and to improve their interpersonal relations.

The volunteers will be free to create their own ideas and projects and fact that it will allow them to develop a team spirit, leadership and autonomy.

In addition, this EVS opportunity represents an international experience, in a different country, living with people of different nationalities, which means a great life challenge.

Formação: competences (i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes) which might be acquired by the volunteer(s) in this project

1. Communication in mother tongue
2. Communication in foreign languages
3. Digital competences
4. Learning to learn
5. Social and civic competences
6. Sence of initiative and entrepreneurship
7. Awareness and cultural expression

Language course:

we assure that volunteers can learn at least one of the official languages spoken in Luxembourg (Luxembourgish, French or German) and we also offer the possibility of learning Portuguese, if the Volunteer is motivated for it. This course is free of charge for the volunteers. They will also be in contact with volunteers in our partners associations.

We will provide full support on important issues concerning the country (knowing the reality) and the project (training in media) through a weekly meeting and also participation in several seminars and workshops. Each volunteer will be informed about the differents activities of our portuguese and partner associations develops. They will have the opportunity to visit them and participate in several activities they organise.

Like on the previous years, we will involve and reinforce the links between the Sending and Hosting Organisation. It’s very important to assure successful integration of the volunteers. Therefore, the evaluation is done bimonthly (procedure often undertaken by our partner organisations) to ensure that the project and the volunteer are developing well and if not, we try to correct and adjust that.

Documentação: CV
Carta de MOtivaçao

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