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Data de início: 01-09-2012

Data de fim: 01-07-2013

Vagas: 2

Duração: 10 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 28-04-2012

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 110 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The volunteer has a chance to work with a multi-professional team and will take part in the monthly meetings. The volunteer will support the development in different projects (art, sports, music) for the youths in their training in BAZ. We also offer the volunteer a possibility to support in the job training of the youth in the different fields: catering and cooking, woodworking, metalwork, house-keeping, gardening and painting.
Descrierea completa a proiectului:

Our organization is built on a concept of social inclusion, opennes to diversity, independency for a fulfilled life and work, acceptance and respect in the daily assistance of young individuals and giving the opportunity for life changing learning experiences. This reflects as well part of our motivation to host European volunteer from a different country. This would be a chance for the youth in BAZ to experience an intercultural encounter with a different culture. Youth with disadvantages are often deprived through the social system in chances for individual development in the society as well as the work field.

In the process of growing-up, these experiences make a change in their personal development and bring a chance to open there minds to new perspectives. It is also important in the youth work to enable intercultural experiences to work against prejudice and segregation. The process of learning from each other from both sides offers an opportunity for the development of new ideas, exchange of cultural differences and at the same time discovering similarities, which would be enriching experiences for the BAZ as for the volunteer.

A volunteer service at the BAZ offers the volunteer an opportunity to support our team in working with youth with disadvantages in a friendly, open environment and to assist the youths in their learning process and development of independency. The BAZ is very diverse in the offer of activities and tasks. The practical, creative work atmosphere in the workshops (wood working, metal work, etc.) would give the volunteer a new approach to a fulfilled working experience with the youths. On the other hand there is a possibility to observe and act in the educational assistance of the youths in a teaching atmosphere with project work and training of life skills. The support in the leisure time activities and sports program (beach-volley ball, dance, etc.) would offer a fun learning field for the volunteers as well as for the disadvantaged youngsters.

The possibility for the volunteer in the independent development and creative development of new sports and arts projects offers a very individual creative process in the realization of the volunteers own ideas as well as an enhancement in the individual work with the youth.

Perfil: The volunteer should be open minded to work with young persons, communicative, creative and also motivated to work in a team. She or he should be emphatic and interested in sports, music and art activities. It would be an advantage (but not necessary) if the volunteer had basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows Platform and also a car driving licence.

Tarefas: The volunteer has a chance to work with a multi-professional team and will take part in the monthly meetings. The volunteer will support the development in different projects (art, sports, music) for the youths in their training in BAZ.

We also offer the volunteer a possibility to support in the job training of the youth in the different fields:
- catering and cooking,
- woodworking,
- metalwork,
- house-keeping,
- gardening and painting.

The volunteer will also be involved in the teaching setting of the youths in life skills, teaching projects etc.

A development of a project can be a very individual concept based on the interests of the volunteer and also on the needs of the youths in BAZ. For example: developing an arts club and organizing art exhibitions.

Documentação: CV, ficha de inscrição e Carta de Motivação segundo o Link em anexo

Download: http://www.evs4u.ro/evs-opportunities/procedura/motivation-letter-template-evs4u.ro

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