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Data de início: 01-10-2012

Data de fim: 30-09-2013

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 09-05-2012

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Is the union for young media workers in Saxony-Anhalt. As self-organization was founded in 1991 by editors for school newspapers. Since then it has always been the youth who are in focus. They decide about what it is all about. And everyone who want to, can join. The members work in online media, radio broadcasts, photo projects, video productions and of course in newspapers. As an union for a specific work field also offer counselling for youth on questions of career choice, education, organized traineeships at professional media and at partners of cooperation. It offers diverse literature on organisational, contextual and creative questions for beginners. Team from the Union assist in the foundation of newspapers. Together with the ministry of education and cultural affairs organization issue a start amount of 200 Euro to newly founded school newspapers.The organization issues the nationwide uniform, recognized press identification for young journalists in Sachsen-Anhalt. Young journalists receive accreditation, press cards, photo passports or backstage cards for conferences, fairs, theater, movie theaters or concerts. The seminars and workshops which the union organize, mediate knowledge and experience in theory and praxis. Beside learning about research, style forms, public relations, layout or press law is there always time to meet other media workers and exchange experiences. A special highlight is the the large youth media meeting in November with over 100 participants. The young media workers can on try their selves out on national and international report journeys. Visits to professional media, talk rounds or press conferences, mediate knowledge on construction and mechanisms of the modern media world and contacts to personalities in politics, culture and economy. Thereby you can also get a glimpse behind the scenes at editorial departments, ministries and companies. The media meeting zone! in Magdeburg is the union specific education and spare time direction with seminar and editorial spaces. Alongside the open house realm, also media pedagogical projects with children and youth are presented. Every year the Fjp>media give out the "Goldene Feder" (the golden feather), an award endowed with terrific prizes, for the best school newspapers and young media workers in Saxony-Anhalt.

Perfil: We are looking for a volunteer with the ability to work as part of a team, who is creative, flexible and responsible. Fjp>media works principally as a self-organization, and the work therefore requires social competence and assertiveness. As a union for media we naturally wish an interest and experience in dealing with (new) media. An openess in the interaction with groups and the ability to enjoy working with people are also important. Several of the task for the union are performed when children and youth have their free time. Therefore it is also important to be willing to work evenings and weekends. Experience in youth work or interest for educational media, organisational skills, interest for project management and knowledge about concept development are a advantage, but no requirement. We wish that the future Sending Organisation works in the field of media design (video, internet,radio). In this case, we would prefer to develop other projects of cooperation, through the work of the volunteers. This projects could possibly be developed with support of the volunteers during or after their volunteer period. The description of the project is available in the database of the program "Youth in Action" , which is open to all interested youngsters. We also use the web project www.youthnetworks.eu and our own website to promote the volunteer work and our EVS-project. The information about our hosting project is also communicated through organisations in the sister cities of Magdeburg, with whom we want to build up a EVS network, as well as through AGSA's other partner organisations. Interested youngsters can contact us directly or through our partners. During the selection process the motivation and the expectations and wishes on our project will be challenged. Together we will check if the wishes and the interests of the youngster meet the objectives and the possibilities of our EVS project and if we can develop a common plan for tasks. In the selection process we will prefer youngsters, who have already worked in common international youth projects with our partners.

Tarefas: The volunteers can in the project "Media for Democracy" collect experiences from youth selforganization. A central focal point in the work is planning and implementation of educational events. Alongside several smaller workshops, the youth media meeting with over 100 participants, the chance to gain experience and knowledge about contentual and structural organization of events. In this process it is important that the the volunteers review the general framework and compare it with the present conditions in their homecountry. Concrete tasks in this field are: - Learn to know the educational conception of Fjp>media - Assistance on the conception of single events and inclduding their own ideas and experiences - Assistance on the preperation of events (call for proposals, public relations, participant and referent recruitment, organization of event rooms and board, cooperation) - Design of material (flyers, posters etc.) - Assistance of implementation of events (support of participants, group leader and referent activity, organisational tasks) - Assistance on the follow-up of the event (evaluation, accounting) - Documentation of the work The network "politikorange" accompanied by political and cultural events on a federal state and national level offers a second central focal point. The volunteer will assist on a concrete media project and collect valuable experiences. They learn to know the present political discussion processes and meet high-ranked representants for parties and institutions. Whereas "politikorange" is a network which streach over the whole federal state the volunteer will meet young media workers from entire Germany and can tie new contacts. Concrete tasks in this field are: - Learn to know the concept of "politkorange" - Implementation of the contentual focal point for every project - journalistic work for the respective output in print, video, radio or online The Medientreff zone! offers as media educational platform a open house section and a project section. The users of the platform are to 40 % people with foreign background. This is another focal point for the work. The volunteers can support the open house section or assist by single projects (groups for children's day care centres, preschool groups or groups for disabled people). Concrete tasks are: - Learn to know the concept of the Medientreff zone! - Support

Documentação: CV em Inglês, Carta de Motivação e Formulário de Inscrição.

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