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Data de início: 17-03-2025

Data de fim: 12-10-2025

Vagas: 1

Duração: 7 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 25-02-2025

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The hosting organization is a politically independent, non profitable, cultural association that was born from the concern and the spirit of acting for a better society. We aim to bring Europe closer to citizens -especially to young people - and to promote values such as equality and tolerance through mutual understanding and dialogue in different cultural contexts.
Within the frame of Non Formal Education, the organization works in projects both at regional and international level in order to promote active citizenship and social commitment. We foster youth active participation and empowerment of young people through different activities: work camps in rural areas, workshops with high school students, training courses and sessions on different topics: from creativity to intercultural learning, gender issues and international cooperation.

Over the last few years, apart from other programmes and initiatives, the organization has coordinated several international youth projects within Erasmus+ (and the former European programme, Youth in Action) and collaborated with Spanish National Agency and Asturian Youth Institute in carrying out Training and Cooperation Activities aimed at promoting best practices in Youth Projects management.

Perfil: People between 18 and 30 years old, from Programme countries, willing and highly motivated, able to join us in March 2025 and stay for the entire duration of the volunteering activity.
Previous knowledge or experience are not needed, but it is necessary to have interest and sensitivity for the topics relevant to the project: mental health, inclusion and youth information/counselling. We are looking for an empathetic and understanding person, willing to learn, challenge prejudices and share experiences.

Since a large part of the service will be connected to participation processes with groups, the volunteer should be an open and sociable person, who likes to interact with people from different backgrounds.

IMPORTANT: taking into account the nature of the activities and the need to establish communication with people with fewer opportunities without any knowledge of English, a fairly high level of Spanish is necessary.

Although the combination of activities requires some flexibility, in general the participant will adhere to this weekly schedule: 20 hours with the oganization, 8 hours with other organization, 2 hours for language training (through OLS or other), 2 hours for mentoring and follow-up.

Tarefas: The voluntary service will include two different activities, one with young people, especially those with social obstacles and one with people with mental diversity and psychosocial suffering (with Hierbabuena). We aim to fight exclusion and generate learning opportunities for the promotion of participation, active citizenship and involvement in decision-making processes.
Our activities focus on: youth information and guidance; promoting personal and social empowerment; and supporting the development of cultural, recreational and leisure activities, that benefit the individuals and the community.

The volunteer will support the organization in: talks and workshops in educational centres; Mobility Info-point for young people; coaching of youth groups for mobility and participation projects; cultural projects and initiatives; summer/holiday camps for children; creation of visual material and monitoring of social networks.

The volunteer will support the other organization in: leisure and free time activities such as: Chatting and walking; cultural and outdoor activities; Healthy Cooking Workshop; artistic expression and computer sessions. In addition: support for specific projects (e.g. Mad Pride), organisation of talks, creation of posters and monitoring of social networks.

Condições: The volunteer will stay in a single room in a fully equipped flat, within walking distance to both the main venue of the activity and the city centre (about 15-20 minutes). Kitchen facilities and bathroom will be shared with other flatmates. In general, local transport is not necessary. The organisation will cover transport costs for activities where travel is necessary. The participant will receive a monthly allowance for food and pocket money at the beginning of each month.

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter + Application Form

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