Data de início: 01-04-2025
Data de fim: 31-08-2025
Vagas: 2
Duração: 5 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 10-03-2025
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: (Kindergarten)
The Learder organization was established in 2004.
We've been hosting ESC volunteers in our children's center, Brave Kids project, our office, Polish kindergartens and
schools since 2009. Apart from ESC projects, we’re also involved in local projects that support the integration of
people and groups of people at risk of marginalization and social exclusion such as children from disadvantaged backgrounds, Roma minority, and people with mental health issues.
Perfil: + are between 18 and 30 years old
+ have not done a long-term European Voluntary Service / EuropeanSolidarity Corps project before
+ have a clean criminal record (a relevant document should be sent tous after the recruitment)
+ are fluent in English
Tarefas: + Taking part in Polish classes throughout the volunteering mobility (Polish classes are included in the 6 hours per day).
+ Supporting the teacher with managing the group of children in a safe manner in the classroom and outside (on trips, in the playground).
+ Supporting young children in self-help activities like helping in dressing up, feeding, leading the child by the hand somewhere if needed etc).
+ Presenting your country and culture to children and teachers by running workshops, creating visual aids, dances and other activities.
+ Engaging in and supporting events in the hosting organization (e.g. Christmasparty, Children's Day, Mother's Day and Dad's Day, etc.).
+ Creating and supporting arts and crafts workshops according to interest and skills/ different art techniques, clay, paper-mâché (paper pulp), salt dough etc.
+ Creating workshops according to your interests (ecological, dance, art,drawing, playing musical instruments, theatre, etc.).
+ Running language activities for children (teach your native language orEnglish) For example, teach children simple phrases, games, songs, poems, counting, and days of the week. This can be a part of an everyday routine not only during special activities.
+ Making teaching aids for classes according to the participant's ideas and according to the suggestions of other teachers.
+ Helping to improve the kindergarten’s aesthetics by making decorations for special occasions and decorating rooms and corridors independently and together with staff.
+ Proposing and organizing activities promoting the project and its results (e.g. keeping a wall newspaper about ESC in the kindergarten hall with pictures, news about workshops, writing a blog, reports, doing picture documentation).
+ Participating in 4 out of 10 events outside the host. org. to promote the project and the European Solidarity Corps (e.g local festivals, picnics).
Horário: Volunteering hours are 35 hours per week (6 hours per day in host org. + 5extra hours per week for planning activities for local events) that promote the project and the European Solidarity Corps.
Condições: Monthly pocket money is 150 EUR a month.
Food money is 550 PLN a month. This money is enough to buy basic food to cook at home, not to go to restaurants.
Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter + Application Form (ask to ProAtlântico)