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Data de início: 08-05-2025

Data de fim: 26-06-2025

Vagas: 1

Duração: 2 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-04-2025

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: (Volunteering Teams)

The hosting organization is a social cooperative enterprise of the ´20s created by professional trainers, social workers, project managers and informal groups aiming to create an alliance that hosts innovative, experiential and non-formal education aproaches.

Within their so called learning streams, they develop learning experiences for their beneficiaries such as learning & training programmes, intership placements, workshops, volunteering opportunitiesm and other learning projects.

The journey
Join our transformative 7- week adventure across six carefully selected eco and urban coomunities in South Greece.

Our diverse tam of 17 people will travel together in vans, embracing the backpaking spirit while forming a close-knit community. Like a modern version of Odysseus´sjouney- we´ve condensed his 10-years adventure into 50 unforgettable days.

Perfil: Age: 18-30
- Adaptable to baisc rual living confitions for 7 weeks
- open minded and community-oriented
- ready to embrace challenges
- willing to contribute to daily tasks: farming, building, cooking, cleaning, community maintenance

Tarefas: week 1: Pre-departure in Athens
- Arrival and team building
- Project preparation
- Community guidelines
- logistics planning
- First community introdution

week 2-7: Community Hopping
1. Athens: urban experience
2. Ymamochori: is an ecpproject aiming to create a community in balance with nature
3. Liveloula: is a Holistic Natural living with focus on a non violence, ecology and self sustainability
4. Poretsou Monastery: is a monument that hosts and boost ecotourism, agrotourism and pilgrimage tourism in the area
5. Hoepalnd: educational off-grid eco-community
6. wheeling2 help: is a NGO that, through social actions and solidarity trip, which also strives to make an eco-space

Week 8: Closing chapter
- project documentation
- result compilation
- evaluation
- Celebration
- Future opportunities discussion

Condições: Pocket money: 6€/day
Food: meals will be available at each location and you´ll be involved in the cooking

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter + Application Form (ask to ProAtlântico)

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