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Data de início: 01-07-2025

Data de fim: 28-08-2025

Vagas: 1

Duração: 2 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-06-2025

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The youth activities are vast and offer a possibility for our youth to further develope and learn new things volunteering activities in romania and abroad seminars, trainings, national and international campaigns, youth exchanges educational purpose our activities reached also elements of formal education through strategic development to stop school dropouts of roma youth.

Perfil: - age between 18-30
- flexible, open-minded, tolerant, communicative
- with experience as local voluntee
- willing to work in team
- creative and initiative
- experienced in painting walls / street art
- experienced in campaigning / support local events
- ready to fight against exclusion, prejudices and stereotypes
- at least having beginner level of english knowledge

Tarefas: The volunteers will take part in the following activities
Volunteer fair :
- promotion of the organisation, volunteering
- and mobility opportunities in eu cleaning
actions and environmental protection

Campaigns :
- painting walls in a local kindergarten
- involvement in local festivals, concerts and
- cultural events preparation, promotion,
- cleaning, presence at our stand.

Media team :
- (5 people) social media activities, creating
- promotional materials (video, posters etc.

Condições: We provide accommodation in amultiple rooms flat/ school dormitory

The volunteers will be accommodated in a bedroom with multiple beds with common bathroom

Financial support pocket money
4€/day food allowance 5€/day

Documentação: CV + Motivation letter

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