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República Checa


Data de início: 01-05-2025

Data de fim: 05-08-2025

Vagas: 1

Duração: 3 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-04-2025

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: We are a small group of people living in the same village, fascinated by sustainability and permanent culture. Family sharing their living space with the volunteers have two small kids. We transform traditional farm homestead into the house with technologies saving environment, trying to reach energetic selfsufficiency. We also care about surrounded land, fruit orchard and garden. Our activites are based on the place: working with wood and many improvisations about house maintenance, crafts, music. Activity enable to observe natural principles including singnificant manufacturing possibilities. Place is situated in beautiful mountain landscape of national protected area.

Perfil: Be available for the whole duration of the project

Be 18-30 years old

Have European or Ukrainian nationality

Speaking English and to be interested in learning basic Czech

Travel by bus or train to the place, not by plane

Be ready to live in an family with kids in a rural area, where the closest town with facilities is at 15 minutes by bike, bigger city, 1 hour, 10min ( 40 minutes walking to train station and 30 min. by train), Prague is reachable in 3 hours.

Tarefas: The volunteers are involved in any of the practical works that the members of NGO do, under constant task-supervision, proportionally divided into :

- work in garden and orchard, terrain preparation for planting needs, seeds treatment, food preserving;
- repairing of tools and equipment, fire-wood handling, sharpening hand-tools, cleaning and putting things to the order, or distribution of the material etc.
- specific project planning, non-formal education on subjects as community communication and environmental awareness, self-reflection, evaluation of finished projects and tasks, personal development, socializing with guests and instructing of short-term volunteers.
- manufacturing items of art or daily use in workshops
- PR assistance

On daily basis, there are daily tasks about keeping things organized and in the good shape, cooking for whole community, sharing responsibilities. Works in the gardens and orchards and forest – cutting grass, weeding, transplanting, maintaining orchard, planting new trees, making compost in all different ways, gardening, processing of fruits and vegetables, collecting seeds and seed propagation, some forestry work - collecting fire wood. Taking care about house, organizing and developing space for reconstruction of the house. These activities are dependent on season from April to October, during process of these activities volunteers get experience important for learning principles of gardening in permaculture way, thanks to longer period he/she can really observe own results of work.

We are open for experimental approach, and we are used to explain our own experiments, so volunteer can discuss specific topic with us and than make his/her own experiment, or get our „know how“. Solving problems together helps to the exploration relationships in the nature. In the case of bad weather we usually do work inside, in the workshop or in the kitchen.The volunteers are expected to be involved in preparation of communal meals, and maintenance of our communal areas, also house reconstruction works. On the kitchen we share knowledge of how to make bread, how to use local vegetable and herbs, how to save energies, how to store vegetables and make special recipes for fermented vegetables and pickles.

The participants will get practical view into the life on permaculture farm in Czech village. We expect that volunteers will be open and interested to make relationships with the local community, so they can improve their communication skills in Czech. They will have the opportunity to reflect on their own culture, perceive the common traits and differences in comparison with other cultures, and understand the importance of cultural diversity. They will discover their potencial in crafting objects of daily-use or art in wood, pottery or metal workshop. Will be surrounded by music, musicians and can become a part of music instruments making.

Condições: Food and accommodation, language course, health insurance, travel expenses and mentoring are covered by the European solidarity corps. The volunteer will receive a pocket money 5€ per day.

House is under construction, the look is quite unrepresentant. Equipment: Bathroom inside, Washing machine. From watersaving solution we built outside composting toilets and shower, from volunteers we expect to don't use inside toilet daily, only exceptionaly. We have some working clothes and shoes, ask us what is available for You, so You don't have large suitcase.

Wifi is in common room.

Kitchen shared. Heated by wood. It require to keep fire in cold days (June to September we don't heat)

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter + Application Form (ask to ProAtlântico)

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