Data de início: 19-02-2025
Data de fim: 18-02-2026
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 28-01-2025
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: (Birds)
Founded in 1954, the organization's work has gained prestige among the scientific community and society in general. Our mission has remained the same ever since: Study and conserve birds and nature and to disseminate their values. Our interest is human welfare and the conservation of the natural world.
Our main activities are:
- Protecting birds: to conserve wild birds and their habitat in Spanish territory, to contribute to the conservation of the world's biodiversity.
- Citizen science: carrying out scientific studies to increase knowledge about wild birds and their habitat, particularly as an essential tool for their conservation.
- Social action: Because to know is to love, we work to spread knowledge, appreciation and respect for birds and nature in general.
- International Cooperation: We work in international cooperation for development, as a fundamental motor for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in developing countries.
- Environmental education: This is one of our hallmarks. We have been committed to environmental education for more than 20 years through courses, workshops and activities in educational centres. We count on teachers as allies, to whom we offer training and support.
- Volunteering: We are the environmental NGO with the most volunteers in the field (approx.15,000 people/year). We promote citizen science and environmental volunteer programmes to improve the conservation status of species and natural spaces. For over a decade our work has been very much focused on young people (18 to 30 years old) as a fundamental working group to make the future more sustainable, although other age groups and concerns also have a place in our actions.
Perfil: Age: 18-30
Participants should be young and highly motivated volunteers, showing special interest in the conservation and study of the environment. Willingness to cooperate, personal initiative, a positive attitude to collaborate in fieldwork, tolerance, respect for the customs and culture of the other volunteers and the local community, as well as the sense of humor will be highly appreciated. Applicants must have a good general health. Once the recruitment process is opened, volunteers fulfilling the above mentioned profile will be shortlisted.
Tarefas: Young European volunteers from different countries will participate in activities developed in important natural areas, living together with the local community and working side by side in a local volunteer team. Intercultural issues, the value of cultural diversity, the exchange of experiences, the mutual enrichment, the respect and tolerance will be promoted.
Fieldwork: The volunteers will actively collaborate in our scientific bird monitoring programs (census and marking) and several projects of habitat restoration and conservation campaigns in Doñana and other natural areas. From the Bird Centre, we develop awareness campaigns and environmental education programs among the local community. The volunteers also will collaborate with visitor management staff in the Bird Centre.
Horário: The practical arrangements (working hours, days off per week, holidays): The volunteer works 35 hours on 5 days per week. There is an entitlement to holidays for 2 days per month, altogether holidays days that can be taken after consulting with the team
Condições: Food: The volunteer will receive every month 160 € for food. Accommodation: Private room in a shared accommodation with other young people. The accommodation will be fully equipped and electricity, water, gas will be covered by the hosting organization.
Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter + Application Form (ask to ProAtlântico)