Data de início: 01-01-2025
Data de fim: 01-07-2025
Vagas: 1
Duração: 6 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-12-2024
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The hosting organization was established in 2009 and, since then, it has been working to promote and stimulate the development of the rural areas of the Region. The organization focuses its attention on the creation of learning opportunities in EU for youth and adults and on the existing and new tools for boosting participatory democracy at all levels.
Since January 2020, FPD is in charge or two properties:
- A building located in Taurisano, confiscated from the local mafia and used as an educational/information
center for for minors, young people and adults at risk of social exclusion;
- A historic building located in Presicce, used as a social and community space for promoting social inclusion of vulnerable groups through social gardening, music therapy, summer camps, exhibitions, concerts, shows, festivals.
Perfil: Age: 18-30
Proficiency in Spanish and a basic knowledge of Italian are not mandatory but will be considered an advantage, considering the target groups the organization works with.
Tarefas: - Language Courses
Prepare the language modules (english, spanish, etc.) for adults and young learners
-Kindergarten Caring Support
Offer caring support to the kindergarten educators, asmember of the animation squad.
- Afterschool Classes
Offer educational support to children for doing their homeworks and facilitate new educative activities.
- Senior Activities
Organize digital courses, promote intergenerational activities and create a safe environment.
- Art / Music workshops
Organize workshops for children helping them to express themselves through music , sport and art in general.
- Summer Camps
Organize educational workshops for children between 5-12 y.o. on dfferent fields: digital, music, cooking, art&crafts, sports
- Events Planning
Provide support in the organization of International Meetings within the Erasmus+ / CERV programmes and in the organization of concerts, exhibitions, festivals,...
- Active Citizenship Projects
Organize initiatives that promote active citizenship such as street debates, round tables, focus groups, simulations, etc.
- Podcasts
Register podcasts with different role models, experts, decisionmakers, ... .
- Eurodesk Information Workshops
organize informational campaigns/events on volunteering, training, working, learning, studying opportunities in the EU and not only.
Condições: Accommodation
The volunteers are accommodated in a building located in the center where we host the volunteers and trainees coming from all over Europe, so as to favouring the incultural exchange and create a real Erasmus environment.
Documentação: CV + Motivation letter