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Data de início: 10-01-2025

Data de fim: 28-01-2025

Vagas: 1

Duração: 18 dia(s)

Data limite de candidatura: 26-10-2024

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 120 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Youth Center Vasatokka is located in the middle of nowhere, and surrounded by beautiful nature; big lake
which will be frozen in January, forest, hills, and wilderness. Nearest village Inari is 10km away, and there is no
public transportation. Ride will be arranged to festivals forthe work days. Also once a week there will be an
opportunity to buy groceries from village.

Perfil: Age: 18-30

- motivated to do all kinds of working tasks
- responsible, and represents Vasatokka as staff member in front of local partners, kids and youngsters
- flexible, since there can be sudden changes to schedules due to weather and customer groups
- always finishes the given tasks
- willing to work and play with kids and youngsters
- able to follow schedules, since it is important to be on time when there is a certain timetable
- has positive energy
- has a survivor attitude towards the rural circumstances and location * :)

Tarefas: After On-arrival training, begins the actual volunteer work:
On first week the whole team will first work at Youth Center by building a Snow World in the Youth Center yard for kids and youngsters to play outdoors. There can be additional creative work tasks too.

On the second week team will be divided into two groups:
- 4 volunteers will work at the world’s northernmost Indigenous peoples' film festival Skábmagovat on 23.-26.1.
and help arrange film festivals.
- 6 volunteers will arrange an outdoor event on Saturday 26.1. at the Snow World forlocal families and kids, and run a kiosk in the event and guide nice games for kids.

At Film Festival, volunteers' working tasks outdoors and indoors consist e.g. putting up festival
setups and decorations, selling and checking tickets, social media marketing, taking down festival setups, cleaning
up, etc.

On final day, we evaluate the project and arrange some nice farewell activity together.
Also, volunteers make social media content to make the project visible all along the project.

Horário: Volunteers work mainly 5 days/week and have 2 days off. There will be also work during weekend and free days during week. Work days last 5-8 hours. At free time, it’s possible to rent Youth Centerrental equipment for small price. Youth Center Game room, Sport hall, and fire-huts are also available to use when they are booked for customers.

Condições: Accommodation: Volunteers will accommodate in hostel-like apartment with 3 bedrooms, shared well-equipped kitchen, common living room area, shared showers, and toilets. There will be 3-4 people per bedroom. From volunteer, it
requires patience and flexibility, as you will share apartment and room with other people during the whole project. Sauna is in different building and will be booked for certain evenings.

Bedlinen and towel are provided, and there is laundry machine in youth center.

Food: Wheneverthere are customer groups in the youth centerthat have meals included, volunteers will have ready meals in center’s dining room. Forthose days when ready meals are not served, volunteers cook by themselves in the apartment and shop groceries from Inari village. Volunteers select couple of people from the team to plan a shopping list and shop groceries forthe whole group. The organization provides food money. The amount of food money depends on
how many days there are withoutready meals.

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter

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