Data de início: 02-10-2023
Data de fim: 08-07-2024
Vagas: 1
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 13-09-2023
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 110 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Perfil: Age: 18-30
Tarefas: Given that it was once a house for deaconesses, has always been closely interwoven with the history of the Diakoniewerk, because of which it has a rich and eventful past.
Following a refurbishment carried out in time for the 2015 Special State Exhibition, it is now prepared for many new challenges, most important of which will be the creating of a common future with the people who live and work there. It has been shining in new splendour since September 2016 and is once again a place for communal work.
The work that the deaconesses began more than 110 years ago (in 1909) at Haus Bethanien is continued today in a variety of activities under one roof.
One of these areas is the art workshop, which offers a barrier-free workplace for 32 disabled people in one of our four creative and artistic fields of work.
Most of the artists employed in the House -work in two areas and are therefore multi-skilled.
In each of these four departments, the disabled staff members are supervised throughout the day by a dedicated team.
Since mid-2016 the artistic and creative departments that were previously situated in various locations have been housed in the same purpose-built facility.
Each of the workers in the House applied for their position independently and was accepted on merit.
The Diakoniewerk art workshop in Haus Bethanien, Gallneukirchen entails these four areas:
The art workshop studio offers a creative workspace in which the staff are professionally supervised to produce spectacular art.
Types of art produced here include drawing, painting, printmaking and three-dimensional design.
Its main focus is on developing an authentic, artistic style that can be regarded as truly contemporary.
In various projects and workshops an exciting exchange takes place on an equal footing with national and international artists.
We participate in exhibition cooperation’s; the most outstanding works of our artists are featured in highly-regarded Austrian collections.
Their ideas are often used for artistic and graphic applications, and for product design.
Diakoniewerk’s art studio celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2020.
Projects, exhibitions and publications:
It is important to us that the art workshop is publicly acknowledged through exhibitions and publications, as well as through dialogue and exchange with other institutions, all the while with the aim of co-operating with other contemporary artists.
The studio thus gladly cooperates with external partners, as well as in national and international projects.
In addition to the sale of originals, the artistic works have often been integrated within the framework of Kunst am Bau projects.
The works of art have also been used in products such as our derart (in such a way) crockery, and in the making of printed graphics.
The Malaria Theater is an initiative of artistic people.
The eleven-member ensemble works on its own creations in co-operation with freelance guest actors and musicians as well as with our own internal artistic and educational team.
Performance hallmarks have included witty sketches and word creations, as well as emotional plays which have achieved audience acclaim. The production process of longer plays, lasting between 65 to 90 minutes, can take at least two years.
In the meanwhile, the ensemble may work on small art projects. In order to promote the various facets of creative expression, the ensemble uses several theatrical forms.
Theater is focused on three main theatrical techniques:
Bildungswerkstatt = the performers are taught the basics of theatrical expression, the internal team being complemented by guest lecturers.
Production workshop = the actors’ ideas are presented through interpretive dance. Theatre sketches, improvisation, literature and pictorial figures are used here.
Networking within the cultural landscape = participation in festivals, public appearances, readings, exhibitions and radio broadcasts.
In 2018, Diakoniewerk’s Malaria Theater celebrated its 20th anniversary.
This department concentrates on team-building activities, the promotion of independent work, and their integration into group-specific work processes.
The Macherei is responsible for the maintenance of the online shop, which sells products from the Diakoniewerk workshops. Its product line is known as derart (in such a way).
The shop is managed by learning-disabled staff members, and this includes the processing of the incoming orders, the packaging and shipping of the goods, and the managing of the stock.
The online Diakoniewerk shop brings the craftsmanship of disabled people to the forefront of production and offers excellent creative products.
The Macherei’s tasks include product photography, miscellaneous social errands, and services for internal and external partners, as well as generally supporting other groups in the House.
Another focus is the professional support of our stalls at fairs, markets and festivals throughout the year.
The transfer of knowledge is an important part of the Diakoniewerk’s disability work. The media workshop publishes the magazine ICH und WIR on a quarterly basis.
Under the motto by disabled people, for disabled people the journal "ICH und WIR” is written by disabled staff members in the media workshop. The texts are written in simple language.
Editing, photography and customer service are taught in the media workshop.
These employees use their creative skills to successfully implement the numerous different tasks involved in newspaper production.
Customer-oriented work is a high priority in the media workshop, both internally and for external partners.
In addition to the Magazine, the media workshop also makes labels for chocolates and waffles and undertakes much photography.
The media workshop also regularly contributes to the ‘Free Radio Freistadt’. These contributions may be heard as part of the series In the Middle of Life.
Working hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00/8:30 am to 3:30/ 4 pm. No work during weekends and holidays.
Condições: Food/Meals: During the assignment period, volunteers are provided with food/meals free of charge at the assignment location. For the rest of the time (including public holidays and holidays), they receive a meal allowance of €150 per month.
Accommodation: The EVS volunteers will be accommodated in a flat near the hosting project, in a safe area with a room on their own together with other volunteers.
In addition, all volunteers receive pocket money of about 150€ per month and one German courses, as well as a bicycle. You also get a climate ticket free travel on all public transport.
Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter + Application Form
Download: Bewerbungsformular ESK.docx