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Data de início: 21-07-2021

Data de fim: 05-08-2021

Vagas: 1

Duração: 15 dia(s)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-07-2021

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Associazione InformaGiovani is a no-profit organisation founded in 2001 with the following aims:
- to promote human and civil rights, with particular attention to the right to information and participation of young people;
- to protect social interest, with particular attention to students and young people;
- to promote active citizenship, in particular among disadvantaged young people and at risk of social exclusion, and promote youth empowerment;
- to promote local and international volunteering as a tool for non-formal education, active participation and social inclusion.

The association pursues the mentioned purposes through two main fields of action.

1. Social voluntary work.
The association regularly carries out projects that intertwine the themes of volunteering, legality, social inclusion, sustainable development and media education. For several years we have specialised our activities on the issues of social inclusion, involving NEET participants and unemployed young people, young migrants, young people with sensory disabilities, and young offenders in probation period. Over the years, the association has managed numerous international projects in Italy and other European countries, within the Youth in Action programmes (4.3 - Training and networking of operators active in youth work and youth organizations, and 4.6 - Partnership), Erasmus Plus (Key Action 1 - Mobility of Youth and Youth Workers; Key Action 2 - Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Capacity Building in the Field of Youth; Key Action 3 - Support for Political Reforms, Civil Society Cooperation: Youth Sector), Daphne III, and Europe for Citizens.

In particular we have been regularly implementing:
- European Voluntary Service / European Solidarity Corps projects both as coordinating, sending and hosting organisation, involving more than 100 young volunteers both in short and long-term projects;
- training courses and seminars for youth workers, social workers, teachers, juvenile justice workers, aimed at promoting international volunteering as a tool for social intervention and on the themes of interculturalism, group management and leadership, media literacy and critical thinking, digitisation of youth work;
- international youth exchanges under the Youth in Action and Erasmus + programme;
- restorative justice activities through voluntary work and international mobility for the social inclusion of young people in the penal area (in collaboration with various territorial offices of the Department for Juvenile Justice);
- international workcamps in Sicily and Italy, addressing local community needs related to environment and sustainable development, public space renovation, creativity and arts.

2. Information activities.
InformaGiovani carries out an intense activity of youth information through its multimedia tools. In fact, the association manages:
- the content of two web pages and a regular newsletter to disseminate information on job, training and learning opportunities at national and EU level, volunteering and international mobility opportunities, thematic news related to the work in the youth field and EU programmes/policies;
- three Facebook pages (@associazioneinformagiovani – general profile of the association where news about job, training, volunteering, calls, awards are posted; @Campidivolontariato – specifically dedicated to international individual and group volunteering mobilities; @EUNetworkIG – dedicated to international initiatives implemented by IG and its EU partners);
- Youtube channel with a total of over 50,000 views and a Twitter and Instagram account;
- Issuu profile (https://issuu.com/inforgiovani), where publication and output in the field of youth work are shared.
Moreover, InformaGiovani organises meetings and info-days in local youth centres, schools and public spaces to promote volunteering and active citizenships, mobility opportunities and European Programmes for youth.

Finally, InformaGiovani manages an information desk located in a property confiscated from the mafia obtained in concession by the Municipality of Palermo. In the information desk, we provide consultancy on Erasmus+/ESC programmes, orientation and support to young people about mobility and volunteering opportunities, we implement events on topics of interest to young people, training and preparation to international mobilities.

Perfil: Age: 18-30

Tarefas: • manual work for taking care of agricultural tasks, caring animals, repairing or building structures used for animals, etc.; support to “Parco Sant’Anna” local volunteers in the maintenance of the park spaces, wooden signs, maps, and if possible, tracing new paths; taking part in decorating urban space (create murals or decoration furniture, etc).
• study part (thematic discussion sesson):
o To raise awareness of the possible challenges faced by young people living in remote geographical areas and how these are experienced and/or overcome by the local community;
o To share what kind of initiatives young people are carrying out within their own community
o to draft a chart with ideas and suggestions to bring to local policy-makers
• public event: ideating and supporting the organisation of an event to promote ESC and Erasmus+ among local young people aged 18-30.
• Communication: contributing in documenting and sharing the volunteering experience through photos, small video, article

Horário: Activity will last around 6 hours per day. Volunteer is entitled to 2 days of rest (Saturday and Sunday) per week.

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter

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